stolen from stephie

Aug 13, 2004 20:08

NuMbEr .. :
of time you've been in love? mmm...2
of girls you have kissed? 1
of boys you have kissed? ummmm...hold on lemme count...21!!! muahaha
people you would classify as trust your life with type of friends?mm veronica sarah steven dustan judd kaity nicole jessy :D
of times your name has appeared in a newspaper? mmm a 12?
of scars on your body?six..3 on my hands *slitting my hand open on the circular saw and one on each hand from IVs when i was hospitalized for a month* one on my arm*just from scrappin it when i was little* one on my neck *surgery for my tumor* and one on my right knee*stuck a camera in it to see what was wrong psh...stupid doctors*
of things in your past you regret? not putting my foot down and saying that im not moving from virginia beach....:\

pretty? no
funny? hehe yea...
hot? no
friendly? when i want to be...other times i can be a real bitch :)
ugly? no
loveable? if i want to be loveable towards something i will otherwise no lol
caring? yep
sweet? yep
dorky? oooooooh yeaaaaaaaaaaa :) :) :)

actor/actress: julia roberts
least favorite day: mmmm idk...they are all the same to me
flower: roses
jello flavor: lime
jewelry: silver
summer/winter: winter

slept in your bed: besides me? sarah...hehe
saw you cry: sarah
sent you an email: STEPHENA!!! i havent talked to that girl in ages :) i miss my seattle peoples :)

said i love you and meant it? yep
went out in public in pjs? oh yea
kept a secret from everyone? yep
been to new york? yep durrr lol and im going there this xmas :) hehehe
to california? durr again i was born there! lol

last cigarrete: mmmm day i left seattle
last cry: mmm last week?
last book read: angels and demons
last curse word uttered: mutha fucka...towards my mother haha
last beverage drank: diet coke w/ lime :) yummy
last food consumed: mmmm chocolate chip pancakes that i made :) hehe
last phone call: judd<3
last tv show: friends
last thing in your past you regret? mmm since i just said it was only one thing the whole moving to seattle thing really pisses me off haha
showered: this morning
last shoes worn: black flip flops
last cd played: silverstein
last thing written: an email to judd
last word spoken: uh huhhhhh......hehe
last sleep: this morning
last IM: josh
last sexual fantasy: hahaha you wish ;)
last ice cream eaten: this morning :)
last time wanting to die: mmmm a while ago but i got through that

this hurricane is lame....its like just raining....not even thunderstorming....we had one good thunderstorm. thats no fun..
so we cancelled all the plans we had for friday the 13th for THIS?!?!?!! pisses me off....i wanted to go to that party and then go to city walk and spend the night out with everyone and yea....this is just gay....grrrrrrrr. FUCK YOU CHARLEY! screwin up my night i swear....*sigh*
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