So! I guess I could just start a new blog and pretend that I am a very good blogger who really likes to post daily. But I am not a really good blogger and I don't like to post so often xD Anyway, here is a new entry^^
No NaNoWriMo this year. It feels really weird. I mean, November has already started 4 days ago and I'm still not writing. It is really starting to feel wrong, actually. But I don't have time for it at all this year. I have to write a paper and I have to catch up on vocabulary and Kanji. I really need my time to get through the first semester at university. But you know what? I actually got some inspiration for a new book, so if all this isogashii-ness is over, I think I'm going to try and start writing again. I really hope it works out. In the meantime, I've been doing some photoshopping. I'm not very good at it yet, but I'm just trying some things that I like. For instance: black and white pictures with a touch of colour. I've been searching for good deviations on to use for these tryouts. I'll post some of them here. Don't expect too much of it, they're just tryouts and I hope I'll be able to make something good with these techniques. I've been doing a lot of online tutorials so I hope I'll be able to post some kind of genius picture in a while. Maybe I'll even start updating this blog regularly! If that happens, pinch me, okay, for I may be paralyzed, drugged or just gone insane^^
I'll post some rainbow-ness! That means, one of every colour^^ Oh just to be clear: I just got the pictures from Deviantart, made them black/white and then re-added some colour. If that makes any sense to you. It means I didn't really do much about the picture, so if you really love the picture, try and see the original one on deviantart by clicking the links below the pics^^
Original picture by *Chansie
Original picture by Mr-Current
Original picture by one-little-thing
Original picture by 'larafairie
Original picture by ethereal-forest303
Original picture by =realityDream
Original picture by paahti Well, those are just to give you an impression of the color thingies I like^^ I'm trying to find some genius black/white/color combination, but for that I need a genius picture, so I'll keep searching.
Ja ne!~~