[Requiem] This is now live IC

Jul 10, 2006 02:54

To whom it may concern,

While I am usually not the sort to hold a Court in a formal setting, it is appropriate that once in a while we as a species gather in our peacock finery and play at being more than merely predators. As such, the second weekend of September I shall hold a formal court for the Imperial Domain of Northern Arizona and any who wish to travel to visit.

Once, when mortals gathered they played party games. There once was a time when we aped their social mores and if nothing else, it is always a more entertaining time when one has a purpose, a theme, an idea behind a gathering. And so, in the interest of more than merely a formal court I am putting forth a Scavenger Hunt.

What follows is a list of items, to whomever presents me at the formal court with the most items goes a prize. The value of the items shall be determined in case of numerical tie breakers by myself and judges appointed by myself. The winner of the hunt shall gain Domain within my Imperial lands for a year and a day. Or one may choose to have a one time Right of Progeny within the Domain of Phoenix. Winner's choice.

Do be aware however that if you violate someone else’s domain in the process of trying to follow this list, you will be personally responsible for your actions. Play within the Forms.

Imperial Prince of Northern Arizona

The List (in no particular order)
A cloak from a Mekhet
A Mask from a Nosferatu
A Flower from a Daeva
A portfolio from a Ventrue
An animal trained by a Gangrel
- (If you belong to the clan, it must be an item from a different member of the clan.)
A plant from Bangor, Maine
A Hat
The name of the Monenau
Cheesecake from NYC
Ticket stubs from a Broadway show
The Names of all the Court and City officers in NYC's domain
A Phoenix
A signature from a Primogen or Priscus of Albany, NY
$100 bill from Monster
Stock in LuxCorp
Ritual Knife from an Acolyte
The bottle of Port from Mirandia
Holy Water from the Archdiocese of Boston
Alligator's Foot from Felipe Saunier
Dissertation from Thomas Kent on the nature of the Carthian Movement. 1000 words or less.
-Extra points for 500 words or less.
Text of Oliver Hurst's Proposal on how the Carthian Movement should interact with other Covenants.
Urvi's Boots
Copy of the Message where in the late Prince of San Francisco hunted the Unholy
Copy of the Pax Americana
Copy of the Compact of Sovereigns
-Extra points if signed by either Prince St. George
Mira Cordova's Master Thesis
One of Lady Vivian’s Credit Cards
Miguel Del Torre's Crystal Ball
Lord Cornell's Sword
Willworker's Wand (willingly given)
Book from the Vatican
Book from the Library of Alexandria
Book from Alexander Coldfield
A comb from Cardinal Callaghan
A pair of Gloves from Mackenzie Dumont
The late Doctor Cherbonne's Letterhead
A Copy of the Testament of Longinus
-A Lancea Sanctum's Personal Copy
-A personal copy from the Curia
A Copy of the Liturgy of the Crone
-A copy of it from a well known Acolyte
A Copy of the Rites of the Dragon
-A Copy of the Rites of the Dragon from an Ordo member from Transylvania
A Wedding ring from Lady Zenovia
A Spear from Daniel
Johnny Walker's Bandana
Chain from Temperance
Rosary from Cardinal Callaghan
Rose Nevar's Shirt/Handkerchief
A gift from Suren-Gal
Photo ID for Jared Cade
A Pair - the Youngest and the Oldest Kindred
Ceremonial Shovel
Peach pie from Atlanta
One of Grace Morgenstern's Fans
List of the members of the Guild of the Eclipsed Moon
Mirandia's Full Name
Personal Crest/Heraldry for an Invictus
One of Nicholas Ebon's Women (willing)
A Cuban from Florida
December Carnivale's Spurs
A Carthian Pin
-A Shackle Carthian Pin
-A Carthian Pin from Lord Savage or Liberty Stone
A Letter of Recognition from an Invictus Prince in Australia
A Tool of the Trade from an Australian Bishop
The Name of the Most Useless Kindred
Signed Copy of a Sermon the Father General has delivered
An Anna McCabe Diamond
Meeting Notes from an Ordo Dracul Meeting
Hank's Cigar Cutter
Ezekiel Moss' Cane
A Former Prince
First Draft of one of Starley's Harpy Reports
Gris Gris bag from Akuete
Akuete's Sunglasses
Handful of dirt from Anima
Lacrima from Isaac Gomorrah
Key to a Car of Roxy's
Greaserag from Roxy's Shop
Performance from Sophia Romanova
Complete set of Kincaid's books
Piece of Art in praise of Callaghan, Lawson, or Edward Savage from Isaac Gomorrah
A Theban "Kit"
Acolyte or Sanctified Ritual Chalice
Day of Silence from a Covenant
Thomas Kent's Silver Sword
Mr. Philip's Laptop
One of Obadiah’s Hawaiian Shirts
Gavrel's Birth date
Something made by Thomas Kent
Lord Caderyn's Tie (the Pink one)
Flask from a member of the Trust
Edward Savage's Machete
Raven's Vest
Aspasia's Bustier
Advice from our Prophet
Garland Sinclair's Proper Invictus Titles in full
Piece of the Chicago Tapestry
Tea from China
Venatrix's Corset
Hair from a Gryphon, Chimera, or Unicorn
Dr. Charles Sirus' knitting needles
Video Game Console from Alexander Thibedeaux
Pound of "Special Coffee"
Paint job from Merc
Tears of an Angel
Alexander Thibedeaux in a Suit
Glas' Glasses
Candle from Loa's Altar
Akute's Husband
Business Card from Zenovia
Table for two at an Exclusive Restaurant (Must be in September, must already have a 6 months waiting list)
A Psychology book from Starley Castille
Templar Pin from Garrett Kruezritter
Pocket watch from Xavier Ellison
Crossbow Bolt from Aimnestos
A piece of Art by Alixandre Zaragosa
Crown Jewels from the Former Prince of Fort Worth
Kiss from Exodus Celestine, with Proof
Buddha statue from Lau
Change for a Penny
List of Elysia, the more the better
A list of Sophia Romanova's Lovers
The name of Zenovia's late husband
Cyrus' Bandana, or the story of why he wears it
A Lady's Favor from the Ghoul to the West Valley Court
Victoria Pennington's Cowboy Hat
Delivery (with proof) of the Mariachi statues to Ms. Parnellia Perkins (to go with the Donkey)
The Spear of Longinous
Rubbing from the Oldest Grave in Phoenix.
Rubbing from the oldest grave in Arizona
A blessing from Miria Novalis
Authentically made crusader's tabard sized to fit Daniel
A stone from the French holdings of Le Marquis de lu Sienne
A Ring from:
Michael of the Luminarians, Imogene, Elizabeth Stewart, Jacqueline Strout, Lady Vivian, Katherine Strauss, Sir Charles Savage, and/or Rachel Douchet
One of Vidal's invitations to last October's Phoenix Gathering
A Four Leaf Clover
Location of all of the global Clan Meetings
-A stone from each location
Proof of Golconda
One of Roger Marino's Lab Coats
The Services of a Bloodline (not your own)
Name of the Cursed Building in Seattle
A list of Kindred who reside in Los Angeles
A list of Kindred who reside within my Imperium
Futhark from Ulrich Bloodaxe
List of Court Officers from San Diego
The Story of why the Lancea is not allowed in Montreal
The name of past and present "Peacekeepers"
The best parody of the Modern Major General (Original)
Best Gift to Samantha of the Ordo Dracul as judged by Samantha
Carter's Rank and Serial number from his military days
A patch from his unit to be given to him
A new waistcoat for Donovan Whitmore Savage
A Tattoo
The names of the seated Curia members
The names of the seated members of the Trust
The names of the Unkindness
The names of the Foundation
The name of your Favorite Ordo Member
A Familar
Ritually Pure Torah
Commandant's Coin from the Commandant of Fort Huachuca (without violating the Masquerade)
A Talith
Stock in Pentex
Become an Ordained priest of Baha'i
Thorn from a bush in Silchester, UK
Forged Ashtray
Unique Paints for Isaac Gomorrah
The Iron Crown
An Elder Sign
Page XX
The names of Princes within the Southwest
The Deed to Imogene's house
One of the glass Tokens from the St. Louis Gathering of 2005
The Shackles for Jared Cade
Lady Vivian's "Dead Muppet Coat"
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
A complete fealty chain
A sermon given by a local Lancea
A Sermon given by a local Acolyte
7 ft solid single pieced circular Obsidian Mirror
Julian Medina's Cologne
A Book from the Library of Baron Cimitiere
One of Lady Elizabeth Brooke's Hats
Someone’s shoe size
The name of four Kindred within Phoenix who have no standing within their Clan
The Most Entertaining (And Masquerade Friendly) headline Change
Feeding Rights within the Carthian domains in the West Valley
Have Fun with a Hoodoo Rock
Controlling Stock of Coticelli Corporation
Control of the Majority of the McDonald's Franchises within Phoenix
Jordan di Milan's Gloves
Fulfill any one request of a member of Phoenix's Primogen (Multiple entries possible, one per Primogen)
Possession being 9/10ths of the law, "Possession" of the stained glass windows from Xavier Prep Academy's chapel
The Sunday Bulletin from the Praxis Church
A brick from an important building within each regency in the Imperium
A Bottle of Chanel
A Bouquet of Flowers made up of at least four signature flowers
The address of the haven of any prince of Phoenix (either half) starting with Aeneas or further back in time.
The names of all the Vampires who have ever held Praxis within Phoenix
An evening tour of the Desert Botanical Gardens
Dirt from your own grave
A letter from the Governor, a Mayor, and a Councilman
Arrange a mid-term election
Allow a Daeva to select your clothes for the evening
First names of all Court officers for the Imperium
A Casino Chip signed by a court officer of Las Vegas
Three letters of recognition by Harpies within the Southwestern US
Season Tickets to the Phoenix Symphony
Season Tickets to the Arizona Opera Company
Season Tickets to the Orpheum Theatre
$1 (or equivalent) from as many countries as possible
The names of the childer or sires of Residents of Phoenix
What does your Covenant Mean To You? Sculpture of your choosing.
What does your standing within your Clan mean to you? A photoessay

OOC - This is now Live. Feel free to direct people to http://phoeniximperial.livejournal.com/ or my email if they have questions.
Also http://phoeniximperial.livejournal.com/ works to send out the 'message' but keeps you from forwarding 5 pages worth of stuff to people.

I'm going to sit down with the STs and figure out the easiest way for people to OOCly and ICly turn in entries, and that information should be out in a few days. This is for the game being held on September 9th, Dead Man's Hand's requiem Game. Please remember this is in good fun. Please play responsibly. Void where prohibited. The Management is not responsible for pain caused by excessive giggling.

Spider Wingate, Player of Kincaid - Imperial Prince of Phoenix

praxis, kincaid

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