I think I am going OK. :)
In Progress
12. Learn Spanish and be able to make myself understood.
13. Be able to hold a full conversation in Japanese and German again.
15. Be able to cook a native dish of 10 countries to their traditional recipe, but substituting any meat products if necessary.
1.Chicken Style Enchiladas (Mexico)
2. Vegetable Paella (Spain)
18. Read 10 Classic novels that I have not read before. Currently reading: Finished Reading: 1. Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen (1/10)
21. Watch ten movies I have not seen before.
1.The Simpsons Movie (29/04/08)
22. Read all books I have bought but haven't read. Currently reading: Walking With Angels - Carmel Reilly and Healing Handbook. Completed: Edwardian & Victorian Ghost Stories - Various, Sushi For Beginners - Marian Keyes, Better Living Through Air Guitar - Steven Appleby & George Mole, Earth Angels - Doreen Virtue, Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen, Detox book - Random Health Editors.
23. Every month for 6 months, seek out one new band I have not heard of and listen to at least 5 songs.
Bands: (3/6) Songs: (15/30) 1. Iron & Wine (Naked As We Came, Innocent Bones, Lion's Mane, Such Great Heights and Boy With A Coin), 2. Backseat Goodbye (Hey, Dressed Up Like Dreams, Sidewalk Sing Along, Technicolor Eyes and Old Clothes Atlantic), 3. The Shins (Phantom Limb, Australia, The Past & Pending, So Says I and Caring Is Creepy)
25. Get my Kanji character count up to 500 individual characters and learn all their associated meanings.Started revision using an application on my computer and
this Kanji Learn site.(119/500)
28. Eat no more than 2 pot noodles a month for 6 months. (It is a dangerous addiction!)Started 29/02/08. (2/6) months
33. Take a multivitamin and Iron tablets every day for 3 months.(61/92)
36. Whiten my teeth.I started this (30/04/08) because I want them whiter for the do's in Australia in a fortnight...
49. Finish designing and get the tattoo I want in rememberance of Mum.
51. Write in a creativity journal once a day, even if it is only an idea for something that I will expand on later, until I fill the notebook.
52. Make my own cookbook full of my own veggie recipes.Bought the book, now I just need to fill it. I am going to start by making some of Mum and Grandma's recipes veggie so the family doesn't lose the recipes completely.
65. Write down in a notebook each day 1 thing I like about myself and 1 thing I am proud of myself for.(64/1001)
67. Do one new activity with Charlie every week for a year.(4/52)
1. Swimming at Metrodome.
2. Go To The Theatre (Complete Works of Shakespeare (abridged) at Sheffield Lyceum)
3. Went to Liverpool.
4. Went clothes shopping for Charlie (never done that before! lol).
69. Have one of each of the following treatments: massage, chakra cleansing(16/03/08), accupuncture, past life regression and reiki healing.
76. Save 10% of my weekly earnings every week from start to finish of this list.(10/142) pay days
77. Create a monthly budget and stick to it for a year.I started this on 29/2/08.(2/12) months
79. Open a joint account with Charlie for our house and holidays.I sent in the application online and I am waiting to hear about when we have to go into branch to sort it out. Probably won't get done till we are back from o/s.
80. Do volunteer work for the RSPCA and/or WWF, or a similar organisation, for a year. (I would love to foster kittens!!!)Been in touch with Friends of the Earth. I want to get some momentum going so we have a volunteer group to go and clean up one day a month, and push for participation from the community in events like 'Clean Up The World Weekend'.
81. Start actively recycling like I was back in Australia, and keep it up weekly for at least 12 months.Charlie and I went to the recycling place today and decided we shall make Sunday the day we do it. (9/52) weeks
82. Cheer up a sad friend with an awesome surprise.
87. Get a house with Charlie and decorate it ♥Just need ££ for decoration! lol
89. Make my iTunes perfect, including playlists.
90. Clean up my laptop.
95. Replace everything I have taped off TV onto VHS with DVD copies. (except for That 80s Show cos I don't think it is on DVD)Started with Hey Dad! which Wakie has just ordered for me because it is sold out in most places.
99. Change my hairstyle to something that suits my face.I have magazines and an appointment with a stylist manager at Toni&Guy on May 10th. I am very excited and have some ideas in mind.
32. Only have 1 drink of pop a week for a month.(4/4) Completed (10/4/08)
37. Learn what countries make up the EU.Completed (13/03/08)
66. Buy something expensive that I don't need, but I want and not feel guilty about it.I bought a blue bag. Let us just say it was expensive.
My nice bag. Completed (14/04/08)
85. Finish tagging my LJ and sort out all the photos in all the galleries!!Completed (30/04/08)
86. Register in the UK for Organ Donation.Completed (4/3/08)
92. Keep our flat tidy for 2 months straight.Started with attic, changed to flat due to moving.(2/2) Completed (24/04/08)
93. Get my British Licence.Completed (5/3/08)
94. Ensure I always use correct English spelling, grammar and punctuation online. I have no excuse, especially not as a linguist.Counting this as complete since I am now in the habit of doing this, and no longer use 'net speak'.
97. Clean up my online presence. (ie. Deleting old open email accounts and journals etc.)Can't find owt else I don't use now, so counting it as complete. (11/04/08)
98. Enrol to vote in the U.K.Completed (5/3/08)
101. Get 2 Mission 101 buddies.
salli &
cy_v(2/2) Completed (24/04/08)