I merged the old ultimate meme with the other meme Ami-mun has dragged up and here we go! Lina next.
1) What are your character's basic stats?
Name: Vash the Stampede
Age: Somewhere over 150, appears 24 and acts it.
Species: PLANT
Birthday: Unknown.
Bloodtype: Unknown, plus probably not normal.
Height: Nooot sure, tall. 6'2"?
Weight: Somewhere in the area of 200, his height and coat and the art style make him look lean, but he's extremely muscular under all that, so maybe 220?
Medical Info: As far I can tell, his physical body is human. He's clearly been operated on in the past, and he does normal things like, eat, sleep, piss, bleed etc. However, canon also mentions that he doesn't require things like food or sleep, so I'm not sure how much of what he does is because he wants to or because it's just normal. I'm also fairly sure that on a molecular level, it would be obvious he isn't human.
Otherwise, Vash is very badly scarred on the majority of his body. He had burns and surgical scars as well as "I got cut open and stapled it closed" scars. He has metal grating drilled into his skin in some places, I suspect these are to protect his vitals more than to keep his skin together.
Also, he's missing his left arm about halfway above the elbow, his left arm is fake but not obviously so, since it's clothed and gloved.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Physical Traits: Mole under his left eye. Otherwise the rest of it is in his medical info.
2) Some Canon Stuff
Actual Canon: As we all know, sometime in the new future Earth will be destroyed by the humans who live on it, and it will become necessary to seek out new worlds that can sustain human life.
Trigun is based off this theory and one other. Humanity created a living power source which seems to be able to manipulate or reproduce any known energy. They called these power sources PLANTS. PLANTS, with the exception of Vash and Knives, are all female. They typically look like
angels and live inside giant lightbulbs. PLANTs become the new power source for pretty much everything. They can create (or suspend) gravity, make water, make earth farmable, they can outright create certain kinds of foods (this is why salmon is available on a desert planet) and can power nuclear like weapons. Broken or damaged PLANTs will leak radioactive energy, but otherwise there does not appear to be any drawbacks to using them for an energy source...
Except, of course, for the moral issue.
In the beginning (if you can call flashbacks a beginning) of Trigun, a fleet of ships carrying some several hundreds of thousands of people in a sleeping stasis are hurtling through space toward a new planet which they will live on. For all of these ships there is only one person still awake (or, more likely, there is one person awake per ship?) at any given time. Rem is this person.
We don't know how it is that the twin PLANTs came to leave their lightbulbs or why they are male. It is likely an experiment in dealing with 'independents' but for whatever the reason, Vash and Knives were born and Rem raised and took care of them.
When they were about one year old (and appearing to be seven or eight) they stumbled across an old and abandoned medical block of the ship and explored its data files. They happened upon the story of another independent PLANT who had lived on the ship before they were born. Her name was Tesla. The records show and explain all the horrible experiments that were done to her over the course of the next hundred days, until Tesla (who herself looked like a cute six year old girl) was missing limbs and surviving on tubes and ultimately died.
Vash and Knives, utterly innocent at the time, both went somewhat crazy with discovering the heartless way 'their kind' had been treated. They had both been very nervous about meeting other humans than Rem, afraid they would be rejected for not being human themselves. But this event made them think that humans were their enemy.
Vash recovered from the insanity after he stabbed and nearly killed Rem and realized that he loved her and didn't want her to die. Knives blacked out and claimed to have no memory of Tesla, and pretended to be completely innocent and loving as he had ever been.
Then, one day, Knives who was clearly the more genius of the two twins, rewrote the mothership's program to force the entire fleet to crash into a nearby, inhabitable planet.
Rem shoved Knives and Vash into an escape pod, but stayed behind herself. In the last instant, Rem succeeded in manually overriding Knives's program and while many people crashed and died, many still survived the brutal but controlled descent.
Rem herself was like a mother to Vash, he was devastated at her death, and has never forgiven Knives for what he did (though they traveled alone together across the desert for around fifty years despite this). Vash, after witnessing what happened to Tesla, after witnessing humanity struggle to survive upon the planet they later named Gunsmoke, and after witnessing Rem sacrifice her own life to save countless others, decides to dedicate his life to protecting the people Rem died to save.
Vash is not human, and the constant repeating factor of Trigun is that while Vash's ideals are noble, normal people cannot live by them. Others try and they die, and Vash lives on hating himself for every life he fails to protect, every life he influences to die. Similarly, other people can't even function the way Vash does. It is summarized by saying that a normal man will love and fight for and die for his close kin, but to Vash everyone is his close kin. He feels the same way about children as he does about adults, boys as about girls, and villains as saints.
Anyway, back to canon.
Gunsmoke is a desert planet that lives under two suns and (at least) five moons. It is completely devoid of plant life or water as far as we can see. The only known natural living creatures on the planet are the ancient and sentient Sandworms, some insect life and the Thomases which look like a mixture of an anteater and an emu and are ridden like horses. Basically? Crops? Some towns try to grow them, but they often fail. PLANTs support virtually all of the human life on Gunsmoke, and without them everyone there would die.
The problem is, PLANTs can't live indefinitely. They have a natural failsafe built in where once they consume a certain amount of their power, their hair turns black and they die. The purpose of this is to keep any Independent PLANT from getting peevish and destroying all of humanity (like Knives later sets out to do), but it also means that any PLANT used for any purpose will eventually die. And 99.9% of all existing PLANTs never know a life outside of their little lightbulb world.
That said, PLANTs seem to be naturally loving beings. Even Knives was a real sweetheart until he went crazy. And the PLANTs that live inside lightbulbs are not rebellious or hateful toward humans. None-the-less, they do live and die in there, because of humanity. Vash sees this as a tragic necessity, but also the very purpose for which PLANTs were created. He wants to one day change this, but as long as they are on Gunsmoke, it isn't a possibility. Meanwhile, Knives hates humanity, and he hates them even more for using such a more superior race to stay alive. When Knives witnesses a PLANT in a city when she reaches the end of her life, goes into spasms of pain and eventually dies, he goes seriously nuts and kills every single person in the city with a series of sharp feather-like blades.
Thus, this is the basis of the conflict. Knives wants nothing more to destroy humanity and Vash wants nothing more than to protect it. Ironically, the only person Vash appears to have no love for is his own brother. By the time Trigun starts, Vash is quite dedicated to killing Knives, not merely stopping him. Knives takes longer, but eventually gives up that his brother will ever understand how foolish he is, and also seeks to kill Vash. And Vash, at least, understands that he won't survive that final conflict, honestly he doesn't even want to. Vash is very, very tired of life, he sees himself as something that doesn't deserve to exist because with his existance came his brother's, and it would have been so much better if they had never been born. He intends for both 'mistakes' to die together.
And that, in several nutshells, is Vash's canon.
What Audience/Otaku Characters Can Mention To Him: Preeeetty much anything. I don't mind this stuff coming up and will handle it as it arises. The only stuff I prefer to avoid is fanstuff, specifically Vash/Knives. Not that I don't think that's hot, but I have no clue how Vash would handle that sort of thing. But other stuff, his 'deep dark' secrets? Vash can handle himself.
3) What skills or powers does your character have? In particular, list any skills or powers that could be used in a combat situation.
Well, IN THEORY Vash could run power for a half a city if you stuck the right cords into him. But mostly he's just a gun guy.
Vash has a gun with which he almost never misses. He isn't utterly infallible, but... mostly so. He can actually fire a perfect shot with his eyes closed and looking in the opposite direction.
Vash is also a dodge ninja, he regularly avoids bullets and pretty much everything else. And if he does get hit, his coat is bullet proof.
Vash's left arm turns into a gun in the event that he runs out of bullets and doesn't have time to reload with his revolver.
Also, Vash is a PLANT. He heals almost miraculously (bullets push back out of his body) and about halfway through the series he gains control over his own powers. If he can't dodge bullets and can't put himself between someone and the bullets, feathers will grow out of his skin (back, arms, face... anywhere really) and will catch the bullets. He can also do things like create a barrier the size of a small town and protect it utterly from attack, or turn his right arm into an "Angel Arm" a winged energy canon with enough power to destroy a large city. An attack from the Angel Arm actually has it's own gravity pull, when the city July was destroyed a black vortex was created that sucked in every living thing for miles. Later, when Vash was forced to use the Angel Arm again, he directed it upward and the blast traveled across space and hit the Fifth Moon, creating a crater about a third the size of the moon's surface.
Vash's typical methods of fighting involve not fighting if at all possible, and if not possible he will shoot for non-vital areas like shoulders, arms, legs etc. However, he will avoid pulling the trigger at all if he can find a way out of it, it's usually enough for him to dodge his attack and disarm them somehow.
ALSO, Vash is just a little psychic. He can't read people's thoughts directly, but he's... inhumanly empathic. He seems to be closer to Wolfwood in this sense than most, but the entire series is littered with Vash knowing just what to say or just how to act or just when to move to survive or save people. This probably won't effect anything, other than that if you're acting happy but are actually sad? Vash'll know. And if you're acting mean but are actually really nice? Vash'll know. And if you're acting like a grouchy pedophile but are actually just a squishy old grump with a penchant for sewing? Vash'll know.
4) Quick List of Friends and Foes.
Uh. No foes. All friends. Even if Vash has never met you? He loves you. Even if you shoot at him? He loves you, albeit he'll bitch and whine at you loudly. Vash's only foe ever is Knives. And while certain people have more emotional power over Vash (Wolfwood) he really doesn't love these people more than anyone else, he's just closer to them.
5) Other
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?
As far as anything that requires me to be there for it and/or involved? Ask but presume no. I'm not very big on bodyswaps, and currently have no interest in that kinda stuff with Vash. Similarly, please refrain from turning into someone 'important' to Vash without asking me. For example, I REALLY don't want him to run into Rem. Really really don't want him to. If you gender switch into Rem or turn into Knives Vash is going to be mysteriously absent.
Otherwise? Go for it. Just understand that if you attack Vash seriously, he will almost definitely avoid it somehow, and even if it's not serious he might randomly turn it around on you. (of course, he might also get hit by it either way, just depends on how Vash is at that moment). HOWEVER. As far as violence or cruelty goes? Free-for-all, he's used to it. You can shoot at him, throw sharp things at him, drop things on his head, push him into the lake. Whatever floats your boat.
Maim/Murder/Death: Vash will not die, ever. So no killing him, not even in a weird way. Similarly, Vash won't kill anyone, ever. However, maiming, as mentioned before? Go for it. He'll get over it.
Vash And Saving Everyone Ever: Okay, if you haven't figured it out yet, Vash has a Jesus complex the size of... well... God. So if you are playing with me specifically, and you try to go kill or hurt someone else seriously. Vash WILL get involved. I EMPHATICALLY REQUEST that for the sake of my sanity, no one kill anyone else while I am playing with them, or even maim them badly unless we've account for Vash attempting to and in some way keeping things from getting worse (I.E., an attempt at killing just results in some maiming).
I also request you not do any killing in Vash's posts, as I'll feel like he's in the area and ought to be responding.
That said, Vash won't magically pop up into other people's posts or threads to stop conflict unless you want me to, or unless I ask and okay it ahead of time. But if you ever need Vash to magically show up and keep your character from killing someone? Give me a ring. He doesn't have to even know who you are, walking into situations full of strangers and walking out as the only one needing to go to the hospital is what Vash DOES.