Of Spam and RL

May 12, 2009 14:03

Flash - L Cosplay Game
by *snowbunnyluv on deviantART

*points up* This game is so cute! ^_^

Anyways, Tuesday was alright. We got the test results back and the scans were clear! *does happy dance* Friday we had to take my uncle to the hospital for an infection (he's alright, thank goodness). Saturday was great and Little One had a blast! He kept running around and basically being all hyped on sugar. Sunday sucked because he woke up with a fever which he never gets unless he's really ill. So we called his doctor and he said for us to go and take him to the hospital. So we spent mother's day at the hospital, but it's okay because his fever went down and it wasn't flu ( the ran a test). The family left us cake though, so it was all good. Everything is better with cake. Well except diabetes. *was joking*
Monday was spent with a rather grouchy Little One and grocery shopping. Today so far I have found out I have a sinus infection and that it's my turn to Spring Clean the kitchen. I'm not a happy camper. :(

To make your day more enjoyable, have some spam:









Okay, that's probably enough for now. Tune in next time!  *is a dork*

ETA: I fail at html so I'm sorry.

cracked.com is awsome, the adventures of little one, spam_spam_spam_spam, ramble, *is a dork*, rl sux

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