I am borrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddd.....

Nov 13, 2008 21:30

I am bored. Really bored. Like slam my head against the wall bored. so..... any cool websites you know of? Any pics or screen caps dying to be iconed  that you just don't want to do yourself? I will give the old good try but i warn y'all, i only got MS Paint right now.


that was a few minutes you undoubtedly will never get back.


PS: I have a horrible headache, but I can't take anything because I have to be up extra early to do things and take my brother for his check up. *sarcasm* Yay. /*sarcasm* : /

bbbbbbbboooooooorrrrrreeeeeeddd!!!, so...flist..., babble, blah_blah_blah, iconrequests

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