Name: Gaelyn.
Nickname(s): Tani, Mouse, Tokushu, and quite a few others.
Birthday: March 15, 1989.
Strong Points Calm most of the time, usually friendly, trustworthy, usually intellegent, skilled at certain things.
Weak Points Dislikes being alone and tends to freak out if left alone too long, grumpy and easily irritable when it's hot out, clingy, doesn't like getting touched, doesn't deal well with a lot of pressure, very lazy.
Likes: Anime/manga, doodling, computers, music, winter, orcas.
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, writing, listening to music.
Favorite color: All shades of blue. 83 ♥
Favorite animal: Killer whales. ♥
Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: Jibril. She's a very pretty character, and she's just neat. XD;
Dislikes: Idiots, stupid things, summer, being alone, being told I'm lying right in my face. :|
Least favorite animal: Some insects are rather nasty to me. ;;
Least Favorite Angel Sanctuary character: I don't really dislike any of them. Some of them annoy me slightly, but I like most if not all of them. :D
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