Oct 06, 2012 21:05
I was told today, "You shouldn*t keep being angry at others for that long!" (I have got to admit, it was in relation to some test I took), and I was wondering whether this has anything to do with me. I know for certain I can get very angry quickly, but the anger vanishes as soon as it occured, and usually I feel really sorry afterwards. However, it is the others that hold their grudges way too long. I am much too busy with other things that are more important than being angry for a long period of time. Maybe that seems like an invitation now. I strongly doubt it is, whatsoever.
I see the relation to the entire choleric/melancholic personality thing, but after all, I also see some sanguine tendencies in myself and even phlegmatic. I am the ever-changing, twinkling light dancing around your world so to say, and I am effing proud of that.