[Fanfiction] [Death Note] Try Less

Aug 06, 2009 18:56

Title: Try Less
Author: Dark Hooded Eriol the Magician
Series: Death Note
Rating: K+
Genre: Love/Angst
Status: Complete

"Try less."

L wishes he could say those words. He licks his lips as he watches her running after him. They are the perfect couple and opposites contrast. One could look at them at the street and smile at the perfect picture they made.

But there's always trouble in paradise.

He wishes he could walk up to her, grab her arm and tell her to stop. Tell her to stop running after him, pushing herself on him and give him some space. He wants to tell her that she is doing great but she must try less. Giving a relationship so much effort is not that healthy.

His dark eyes follows them.

She's clinging to his arm and looking up imploringly. How beautiful her eyes and lips are! But the man she's with doesn't notice. His gaze slips away.

He wants to wrench her arm away and say stop. Your efforts aren't working.

But she will always pout and answer that someday her Light will appreciate it. He will love her true!

And he will step away and murmur under his breath, Leave some for yourself too.

Misa-san, L thinks as he watches her smile and preen in the screen, try less. I want to work hard for you. 

angst, lxmisa, amane misa, love, fanfiction, l lawliet, romance, complete, death note

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