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Comments 151

archylou June 19 2008, 05:51:55 UTC
Oh its posted. yay!
But with the OW! oh poor boys!

I am so looking forward to more, I love mpreg fics!


angels3 June 19 2008, 06:03:23 UTC
So do I. I love the thought of either Jensen/Jared or Dean/Sam having kids together. It just makes me happy.

Yes, we had to get through the owie part, and there will be more to come but overall it's an awesome story I get to tell if I can do it right.

Of course you know me it will always be a happy ending.


archylou June 19 2008, 06:15:48 UTC
It was very well written OW, so I just love it so far.
Between this and sammyndeansgrl1 Powers fic I am getting to read my all favourite types of fic!!!


jmystic June 19 2008, 06:24:05 UTC
aww... That was such a great start. Poor Jared and Jensen. :( I just want to hug thme. I am already hooked. Can't wait for the next installment.


angels3 June 19 2008, 06:26:07 UTC
Thank you.

They do seem to be having a rough week. Things will look up just not right away. People appreiate the others in their life when things aren't always smooth.


2sexyboys June 19 2008, 06:42:08 UTC
awwww poor boys. looking forward to see how this goes


angels3 June 19 2008, 14:08:08 UTC
Thank you, and I love the icon. It made me giggle first thing in the morning. I'm sort of like Jensen in the morning without caffiene. However, I like mine in Mt. Dew format rather than coffee.


marylizh June 19 2008, 06:49:02 UTC
oh, those poor boys!! More soon, please!!!


angels3 June 19 2008, 14:54:19 UTC
Yes this was a sad chapter but the next one will be a little more lighthearted, not much but a little bit.


calijirl5150 June 19 2008, 07:04:22 UTC
Every since you first mentioned the plot bunnie for this fic I have been anticipatng it. Wonderful start, can't wait for more.


angels3 June 19 2008, 14:53:21 UTC
I'm happy it went well, I was worried about this one since I've never done an mpreg, of course I haven't gotten to that part yet either. *facepalm*

Thanks for reading and letting me know it was worth it to keep going.


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