Fic - Jensen/Jared - When Things Come Crashing Down - chapter 10/14

Sep 30, 2007 21:43

Title : When Things Come Crashing Down chapter 10/14

Author : angels3  aka Angela

Beta : munimula - I played with it after, she sent it back so any mistakes are mine mine mine.

Word Count : 9139

Pairing : Jensen/Jared (very soon)

Supporting Characters : Eric, Kim, Sera, Mike, Tom, Chris, Steve, Chad

Disclaimers : ( Read more... )

plane crash au, jensen/jared

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Comments 60

c_ntbucket October 1 2007, 03:11:40 UTC
I don't know what to say.
Yay Gideon and the team found the plane and they know they are safe.
Yay Jared and Jensen had sex.
Yay for a brilliant chapter.
Yay for you lol.


angels3 October 1 2007, 03:47:41 UTC
Well actually they don't know if the boys are safe. We do they don't not yet anyway.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have a ways to go on chapter eleven, no one is cooperating with me. The boys all want me to do something different, but I'll get there.


c_ntbucket October 1 2007, 04:34:01 UTC
I'm not gonna annoy you for the next chapter because I'm just happy the boys finally got there lol. If you post it in like 6 weeks time I still wouldn't care lol but that doesn't mean I want you to lol.
This chapter makes me happy lol.


angels3 October 1 2007, 04:37:50 UTC
I'm glad it makes you happy and no it won't be six weeks. I hope to have something to my beta by the weekend and then when she finds time so maybe two.


nickgregfan October 1 2007, 03:40:31 UTC
***Clapping and throwing cookies at your feet***

Awesome chapter, very hot and VERY much worth the wait. Our boys are so good together.


angels3 October 1 2007, 03:58:32 UTC
Yes they are but damn if they aren't pains to get them there.

I'm glad it was worth the wait. Now I just have to give Jared his turn. *waggles eyebrows*

I'm happy you enjoyed it. But throw the cookies at my mouth next time the feet do me no good. :)


aimeewinchester October 1 2007, 03:41:04 UTC
WOOHOO!! New chapter!! Wow, that was superhot! You are an AMAZING writer! Can't wait for the next chapter!!


angels3 October 1 2007, 03:55:09 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm working on eleven but it's slow going I hope to have something to muni by the end of this week.

I'm assuming you liked the J2 loving? It's about time too right they are so hardheaded those two.


batina35 October 1 2007, 03:42:17 UTC
Awesome. Just so freakin' awesome. Loved the J2 lovin'...


angels3 October 1 2007, 03:49:15 UTC
Glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to let me know.


deanbear25 October 1 2007, 04:21:08 UTC

You made them Happy and there was bottom!Jared which is few and far between.

I love this story and can't wait for the next update.


angels3 October 1 2007, 04:25:01 UTC
Well my stories always seem to alternate, there really is no true bottom or top, it's more who's wanting to do what at any given time. Or at least that's how my wincest stories are, so I don't see why my RPS would be any different.

Jared gets his turn next chapter and yea I do see a lot of Jensen bottoming, which is funny because in wincest you see a lot of Sam bottoming
*shrugs* I don't care as long as somebody's getting some. :)

I'm working on it but real life blows and not in a good way either so it's coming a little slower than normal but I hope to have something to my wonderful beta by the weekend.


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