Title : When Things Come Crashing Down chapter 8/14
Author : angels3 aka Angela
Beta : munimula - I played with it after, she sent it back so any mistakes are mine mine mine.
Word Count : 5971
Pairing : Jensen/Jared (very soon)
Supporting Characters : Eric, Kim, Sera, Mike, Tom, Chris, Steve, Chad
Disclaimers :
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Comments 45
I love the snuggling. If it were up to me they would never leave the bed.
Yea can you see all 6'4" or 5" of pissed of Jared in your face, I'd pee my britches. Where I think he is very laid back, I picture him as very scary when you've crossed the line.
Did they kiss? Really? I'm gonna have to do something about that.
Excellent chapter, and I love the way you have written Chad. Never really a fan of Chad but you kinda changed my mind so well done lol.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
I've never been a fan of Chad either, my oldest is. Me not so much. I've read several stories that have him as a douche and several that have him as a loveable douche and then several that have him damn cool.
I don't really know why he has turned out the way he has here but I like it, course Jared might not when he gets hold of him.
Nine is with muni, she's been on vaca. but I think she's back tomorrow.
Glad you liked it enough to want to punch me I'm assuming for how I ended it? Wait till chapter ten I think I may be real evil.
*Hugs you because you always leave excellent cliff hangers*
Chad seams like a nice guy here, not somebody that wants to do every thing that moves(not that he's really got the chance lol.)And Jared's got a few things he need to explain to Chad and Jensen thats for sure.
Are you going to make me cry at the end of chapter ten?
I try not to be too evil with the cliffies.
We'll I'm not so sure he doesn't want to do anything that moves but as you say not a hell of a lot of chances there unless you know Mike wants to participate.
Chad's gonna tear him a new one when he finds out he's okay, Jensen not sure how he's going to feel he's not talking to me right now. Something about not being happy about where I left chapter nine either.
No, we know what's happening just not all the guys do.
bad author!
more please
:) So you still don't love me? Damn!
Love ya!
Well since I hate them, I try to get them out of the way.
Not to mention you make it easy to follow what you think needs fixing it doesn't take much to do it once I whine about it.
I'm glad you like the rescue team, they've actually played a much bigger part than I originally planned, but that was because I wasn't sure what to write them doing. They seemed to have taken on their own voices as I've gone.
It's bad to admit to voices in you head isn't it. Even in Harry Potter they say so. Hmmmmm.. padded room here I come.
I'm glad your enjoying, and um the kiss, nine will expound but ten may get a little more interesting...
I havn't started that chapter yet but I know where I want it to go.
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