Hi all I just want to let y'all know I am going to be moving all of my story's to my dreamwidth account. I will keep my LJ account. I have to find out why after almost two years I cant stay logged in to my LJ .I think it has something to do with my Hughes net. I will keep what I have written on my page LJ. I cant even go to the dwp LJ page signed in. so that means I cant post there with my screen name .it sucks. I guess I will be a lurker on LJ once again .I can still post here but I cant go back and edit after I have posted. and I am working on the next two chapterof the devils nightmare. my husband had to have surgery ,and I haven't had the time to sit down and write .just thought I would give y'all a heads up. I have move the devils nightmare over to my dreamwidth and I will move the other in a few days . I have to call and talk to Hughes net to see if they can tell me why I cant seem to stay logged in.
here the link to my dreamwidth account