Lovely Things

Sep 21, 2005 17:14

LJ Interests meme results

  1. chad michael murray:
    One good lookin' boy! Especially in A Cinderella Story
  2. dawsons creek:
    Dude, hella popular with me in 8th grade and when I lived at the old apartment
  3. dyeing my hair:
    I haven't seen my true hair color since the 8th grade
  4. gilmore girls:
    An awesome show where Saqrah and I would fall asleep watching it.
  5. jude law:
    Another good looking fellow.
  6. my friends:
  7. pizza:
    fuck yea...especially from PMH (I love you Cameron and Kelley)
  8. saqrah:
    She's my awesome roommate and I'm going to miss her when she leaves.
  9. smoking:
    Doin' it for 2 years and im so not addicted..hahah (yah right)
  10. the pruneyard:
    The place where we go...during the day, at night, weekdays, weekends, holidays...we're there!

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