...It's not like I've never had a Thanksgiving break before. It's just that I've never missed it as much before.
Anywho, this week has been weird and loud. Like, really loud.
My group of friends decided to have a debate during one of the breaks over who's best, men or women. You know that can never end up well. Because guys well be guys and girls will be girls.
The guys challenged us the girls to ask them any question, any question, we could think of at that moment. And it started getting louder and louder 'til it was just plain shouting and LOL-ing. It was all fun and games 'til the referee's whistles bellowed. One of the guys had had enough and shouted, " SHUT THE HELL UP I FOUND AN ANSWER!!!!" And we were all like, O.o
He cleared his throat and announced, "girls are psycho bitches and guys are assholes. Now, can anyone to help me with math?"
And that was that.
Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful week. Except that, on the bright side, I found my two new favorite covers of two of my favorite songs.
Check this out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjjTtEBAkOo And this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9P8XIxCSrY Have a wonderful morning, day, afternoon, night, etc. Depending on where you are :)