It's fun getting to see people (old and new... well, to me... They aren't like... new people as far as people go. Because that'd be just a little bit odd. Unless they were super-grown or something, cause they've all been around my age-ish).
SF two weekends ago (with Shelly and Lucia) led to SF today, which was fun... We saw a group (Sinclair) on the streets of SF that Friday night, and they were having a concert with some other bands tonight, which Lucia, Chris, Ian (Chris' friend) and I hit up today (concert was entertaining, plus we got a free (good) CD from Will Harrison out of the deal!)...
Last weekend went up to Berk... (Those're loaded ellipses, my friends :P) Met Bishy's girl, but can only really remember her face, and that she seemed nice + had a cute smile :) Met Neil's girl as well.... And just remember her face :P And telling her that I wish I was less out of it, since I've wanted to meet her for a while.... Come to think of it, I said the same to Bishy's girl :P
Finally saw Hot Fuzz... Well... MOST OF IT (GR, stevie :P)
Going to that grocery store at the end of California, and then hitting that park with the car-thing-with-legs makes for a really good picnic :) And we (Lucia, Ian, me) almost trained a squirrel, who is now about 4000000000 Calories over for the decade.
Found this thing called
Tumblr which I'm kinda fond of (I'm
over here, fyi, those who care :P) I just like the way the system feels. Plus the consolidation of diff things. Meh. If you look at it, you'll get it. :)
Running with Shelly is a great way to actually keep in shape :P (for both of us)... It makes me feel fat and lazy to have to say 'yeah, let's not go running today, let's stay in bed instead' when I have to actually say it, and to another person at that :)
That's all for major updates? :)
Ps: Listening to that Harrison CD right now... I like his voice (though I knew that from the concert, still true)
Riceball out! :)