Feb 14, 2010 21:18

Stolen from various other muses

Give me any two characters from any game past or present, as long as one of the characters is mine, and I will tell you - no matter how ridiculous the pairing - the following about their first child:
A. Name
B. House
C. PB (or description if I prove unable to find a good face)
D. Circumstances of conception
E. Three random facts

Characters and their statuses can include~
  • Anna Milton=very active
  • Lisa Braeden= revived from retirement
  • Jo Harvelle=semi active
  • Sam Winchester= retired, going to make a new account
  • Ludo from the Labrinyth= just for fun
  • Carmen Porter=active
  • Tessa the Reaper=active
  • Chloe  Carter= going to revive
  • Abby Mills= retired
  • Yvaine from Stardust= inactive, might revive
  • Tish from Ten Inch Hero=inactive
  • Max Guevara=retired, possibly make a new account

crack!, meme, just for fun

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