head's up

Oct 10, 2010 17:37

Heyy guys, Angela here, figured I'd give you a head's up with what's going on. Seems that I am sick, got a scratchy cough and sore throat, thankfully I'm taking meds to take care of it but, being sick also means any tags/replies I have with any of you I maybe slow posting. Hopefully I'll be better during this week.

It seems I might of caught this lil annoying bug from my own father and he told me that it took him about a week to get rid of it, even though himself is still coughing.

If you need me, you can always contact me on my AIM SN which is Ang1188 or you can email me, same as my SN name. You can also always message me on my main LJ account which is miss_faith_hope .

Hope to talk to you all soon and missing you already!


away, ooc

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