
Oct 27, 2006 18:54

AM HOME! *flails*

Have seen my cutsie little dogs and they're just as cute 'n adorable as ever! *cuddles Fred 'cause he's the nearest one on hand*

Have worked on Ren fic scene! Have finished first draft! *collapses with relief*

Have very little homework this weekend! Score!

Only downside: no wireless internet at home. Am stuck with icky dial-up. Oh well, it's just until Sunday evening, then I get to return to campus where they've come out of the Stone Age in regards to internet providers.

Lizzie Laptop is happily exploring the desk next to me. She isn't used to having to share my attention so she's giving the home computer evil looks. Heh.

fanfiction: stargate_ren, rl: dogs, rl: school, rl: home

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