
Oct 01, 2006 20:31

I've been watching the Law and Order: SVU marathon on USA all afternoon and I've lost count of how many times I've seen an advertisement for BSG.  *sighs*  It seems Sci Fi's pulling out all the stops for it.  Not to seem bitter, but maybe SG-1 and Atlantis' ratings wouldn't have been so far down the toilet this season so much if they'd done the same thing for them.  *sighs and shakes head*  It may be stupid and maybe it is better for SG-1 to end with some dignity, but I still think Sci Fi's full of it.

Here's hoping they don't screw up Eureka or some other show I happen to care about.

tv: sg-1, tv: sga, media: ratings, tv: eureka, other: rant

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