2012 Fanfiction in Review

Dec 31, 2012 20:16

2006 Fanfiction in Review
2007 Fanfiction in Review
2008 Fanfiction in Review
2009 Fanfiction in Review
2010 Fanfiction in Review
2011 Fanfiction in Review

001. Stealing Cinderella [Merlin | girl!Merlin/Arthur | PG]
002. Flying Hats and Disney's Lies [Merlin, Warehouse 13 | Merlin/Arthur | PG]
003. Loyalty [Merlin | Gwen/Morgana | NC-17]
004. Revenge [Merlin | Morgana/Arthur | NC-17]
005. Nothing She Won't Do [Merlin | Morgana/Morgause | NC-17]
006. What is Left Out [Fairytales | Wolf/Red | R]
007. While We're Apart [Pride & Prejudice | Kitty/Georgiana | PG-13]
008. Interrogations [Merlin | Gwen/Morgause | NC-17]
009. Number One, Avalon Street [Merlin | Elena/Gwaine, Gwen/Morgause, Merlin/Arthur, Morgana/Lancelot | PG]
010. Edge [Merlin | Morgana/Arthur | NC-17]
011. Bound [Merlin | Arthur, Merlin, Morgana | PG]
012. The Undiscovered Country [Merlin | girl!Merlin/Arthur | PG-13]
013. Morgana, called le Fey [Merlin | Morgana | PG]
014. Trouble Sleeping [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | PG] (co-written with jelazakazone)
015. Trying to Leave the Business Never Really Works [ASOIAF | Robb/Sansa | NC-17]
016. A Song of Comment Fics and Randomness [ASOIAF | various pairings | NC-17]
017. Totally Not Gossip [STXI | girl!Jim/Spock, girl!Jim Prime/Spock Prime | PG]
018. We'll Take the Trail Marked on Your Father's Map [STXI | girl!Jim/Pike | PG-13]
019. Decagon [STXI | Kirk/Pike, Gaila/T'Pring/Kirk, Amanda/Sarek, Winona/Sarek]
020. The World Before [STXI | George/Winona | PG-13]
021. MERLIN EMRYS: Guide and Owner's Manual [Merlin | Merlin/Arthur, Freya/Merlin | PG-13]
022. Ten Such Men [National Treasure | Ben Gates, The President | PG]
023. In Joy and Woe, as in a Doubtful Ease [Merlin | Gwen/Arthur, Merlin/Arthur friendship | PG-13]
024. Candy Made of Cotton [Merlin, STXI, Harry Potter, National Treasure | Merlin/Arthur, Hermione Granger/Christopher Pike, The President/OFC, Hermione/Ron, Kirk/Pike | PG-13]
025. Watching the Cloud of Dust [STXI | Christopher Pike, Spock Prime | PG]
026. Rumbling in the Distance [White Collar | Diana/Christie | PG]
027. That Bind Us All [STXI | Christopher Pike, Gaila, George Kirk, Hoshi Sato, Jim Kirk, Spock Prime | PG-13]
028. A Menagerie of Drabbles [STXI | George Kirk/Christopher Pike, James Komack, Jim Kirk, Hermione Granger | PG]
029. Malice Toward No One [Merlin | Gwen/Arthur | PG]
030. Untitled ficlet for jelazakazone [Merlin | Kilgharrah, Mordred | PG]
031. Untitled ficlet for grav_ity [Merlin | Morgana | PG]
032. Untitled ficlet for archaeologist_d [Merlin | Arthur, Gaius, Merlin | PG-13]
033. Untitled ficlet for lycoris [Merlin | Merlin, Mordred | PG]
034. Untitled ficlet for world-of-blade [LotR | Eowyn/Legolas | PG]
035. how dreams end [Merlin | Arthur, Freya, Knights, Merlin, Mordred, Morgana | R]
036. what is lost [Merlin | Gwen, Leon, Percival | PG]
037. Watching [Merlin | Arthur, Grettir, Gwaine, Merlin | PG]

Favorite Story of the Year: Revenge. Oh jeez, forgive me! My favorite this year is one of the fics I wrote for the Porn Battle. *facepalm* But I had so much fun...

My Best Story: In Joy and Woe, as in a Doubtful Ease. My first offering for paperlegends, I was so proud of this story. I was so determined to write a story where Arthur had family members who were not out to maim and/or kill him, and I love how it turned out. I'm already thinking of plot bunnies for the coming year for paperlegends. Must visit KMM for ideas...

Most Fun Story: Flying Hats and Disney's Lies. Warehouse 13 is a delight to write for, and it can easily cross over into other fandoms. Who would turn down a chance to cross the zanniness of that show with the silliness of Merlin? Good times. ;)

Sexiest Story: While We're Apart. Oh wow, this ficlet was such a guilty pleasure. What does it say about me that I adored writing canon era P&P femslash fic? *blush*

Hardest Story to Write: Number One, Avalon Street. I wrote this for the merlinreversebb, and it was hard. It's difficult to write something based on artwork, especially since I had little experience writing the characters in a non-canon 'verse. Still, it was well worth it, and I love how it worked out. :)

Easiest Story to Write: The World Before. Since I began to delve into STXI fic, Christopher Pike has really spoken to me as a character, and this story, which covers his early life and career up to just after the film begins, just flew from my fingers.

Biggest Changes This Year: I've taken to dabbling here and there in other fandoms, like Warehouse 13, STXI, ASOIAF, etc. Merlin has just recently come to an end, but my muse is still going strong for it, so we'll see how that goes from this point to next year.

lj: flist, lj: memes, !fanfiction: master list

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