Dec 20, 2012 17:27
Threw my back out again yesterday at work. Not entirely sure how it happened. Either I was bent over putting a return in one of the carts beneath the desk, or I just turned wrong, but there came a moment that felt like someone had just plunged a knife in my back. It happened just as my supervisor was leaving to take her lunch break. When she came back about thirty minutes later, it was getting progressively worse, so she sent me back to take my fifteen-minute break. I got some ibruprofin from the manager, but it barely took the edge off the pain, and it was getting progressively harder to walk.
Finally at about four-thirty, I couldn't take it anymore and the manager let me leave early since I was clearly in pain and could barely stnad up straight. After an agonizing drive home, I spent the next several hours in pain, so when my mother got home at about 10pm, we immediately hopped into the car (she hopped, I practically crawled) and went to the emergency room. We were there for the next two hours, most of which was spent in the waiting room. Finally they gave me a few pills for the swelling and muscle spasms, some perscriptions, and sent me home. It was quite a chore taking a shower, but once I was on my back in bed, I began to feel better. Of course, every time I got up to use the bathroom, it was an exercise in pain.
Have been in slightly less pain for most of today. Once I got my perscriptions filled and took the first dose, the pain lessened enough that I could walk a little (very slowly and stiffly, but still). Just spent the past two hours lying on my back, which is the only position that lets me actually be free of that pain. Of course, when I move, my back explodes. Just took a second pill for muscle spasm.
The long and short of all this? FML.
rl: gen