Merlin: With All My Heart [SPOILERS]

Dec 02, 2012 16:08

In a land of myth and a time of magic, people tend to walk a lot. Must have been easy to keep in shape for them.

And we're walking! Gwen! Off to do evil mischief, are you?

Percival! As sleeveless as ever, I see! *glees* Love your cape! Very swishy and red! *drool*

Ah, more sob stories of missing Elyan. Poor Percival, he looks so sad, remembering his BFF.

And there's walking.

Ah, Gwen and Morgana up to no good.


Poor Arthur, my poor darling!


Wow, Arthur, that glare is not going to convince her that everything's just hunky dory, you know.

Gwen: I thought I might ride this morning.
Arthur: *glares*
AQ: *tries not to have a dirty mind*

Arthur, you can't act worth crap. Seriously. Someone get Merlin in here to distract Gwen.

Mordred! Leon! Pretties!

Ah, Old Religion backstory! Seriously, though, this is yet another instance where I wonder why people would want the Old Religion back. The priestesses seemed all about controlling people and generally doing squicky things.

So... in this case having a dick counted against you, Gaius?

Gaius: I can think of only two people who truly know the old ways.
AQ: And let me guess - both of them wouldn't spit on Camelot if it was on fire?
Gaius: Probably.
Merlin: Great. Just great.

The Dochraid? Oh wait, that crazy fucking thing from Lancelot du Lac? Ew ew ew.


Damn, Merlin, you're creepy as all hell.

HOLY SHIT YOU BROUGHT EXCALIBUR! Though, I thought only Arthur could wield it safely. Perhaps because it was forged in Kilgharrah's breath, Merlin is an exception to that?

Oh. My. God. Merlin you are a creepy fucker. You could totally be an interrogation expert in a future life. The CIA/NSA/FBI/MI6/whatever would kill to get their hands on someone like you.

Summon the white goddess? Cauldron? Fascinating...

Okay, so much for the Dochraid. That's one dead hag.

Oh, Mordred, you are so cute. You and your curls and your big eyes... OMG SO CUTE!

What miracle has Gaius concocted this time?

Merlin: How can I use my magic with Arthur there?
AQ: *coughs* You could, I don't know, TELL HIM THE FUCKING TRUTH?!
Merlin: Pfft. What strange ideas you have.
AQ: *sob*

Oh yay, more Dragoon.

Arthur has some serious reservations about this plan. I share them.

Yeah, my boys can have entire fucking conversations with just a look. *beams*

Gaius: Sorcery must be fought with sorcery. Or is it saucery that must be fought with saucery?
AQ: Isn't that joke, like, decades old by now?
Gaius: *sniffs* You clearly have no appreciation for fine humor, child.
AQ: ... clearly.

A woman? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Merlin is going to kill Gaius one of these days! HAHAHAHA! Oh, now THAT is hilarious! Poor Merlin, he just can't catch a break!

Arthur's white shirt! So pretty!

Terrible liar, that's very true. In contrast, however, Gwen's an excellent liar.

Oh my god... Merlin.

*cracks up* Seriously, these guys couldn't figure their way out of a wet paperbag. But it's hysterical watching them try. *bg*

HAHAHA! Saved by the bread! Teehee!

Hey, that contraption is more than Uther got years ago when they had to drag him through the corridors. Arthur should be grateful!


Ah, Gwaine and Mordred! Up to no good?

Gaius, you're such an insane liar. Seriously.

Uh oh, Mordred knows they're up to something.

Oh yes, love Arthur carrying Gwen. So pretty.

Crap, the Dochraid's not dead. The guys are in trouble.

Um, has Gwen been thrown over Arthur's horse like a sack of grain? 'Cause that's what it looks like from this angle.

Seriously? That has to be fucking uncomfortable.

Arthur, his funny feelings save your life more often than not.

Ah, ravenmail. Good times.

Gone into a sulk? Teehee!

Oh crap, MERLIN! OMG NO!



Oh, Aithusa, don't do it... your lady is fucking bugnuts, surely you see that!

Uh oh, Arthur's arm...

Merlin, wake up!

Crap, he's stuck good!

Mordred, you darling boy! You have impeccable timing, I think Arthur was about to cut his own arm off! *flail*

Three's always better than two? *coughs*

Oh Merlin, stop glaring at Mordred like that! Honestly, you two...

No, he doesn't anyone when it comes to Arthur's life, Mordred. The years have taught Merlin to be extremely paranoid.

Prove your loyalty... *sob* Oh, my darling, curly-haired boy, YOU ARE KILLING ME!

How does Mordred not know?

Ah, Morgana, here we go.


Yes, he knows what he's doing. He's been doing this for some time.

Yeah, that was a dragon's version of getting a spanking.

Oh crap, Morgana.

MERLIN! Not cool, leaving him there to face Morgana.

Oh Mordred, you truly believe it, don't you? You really believe as Merlin does, that one day you'll have that golden world? *sobs* YOU'RE KILLING ME WRITERS!

*lip trembles* He too remembers what she used to be...


Oh crap, Merlin, you clumsy dear. Now Arthur will think you're a crossdresser AGAIN. Unless you come up with the excuse that it's an offering for the sorceress or something.

DUDE! I called it! HAHAHAHA!

*giggles* Oh, the things you do for these people, Merlin.

Oh, Mordred totally recognizes him. I'm surprised Mordred isn't on the ground, busting a gut over this entire spectacle.

OH. MY. GOD. Merlin, stop flirting with them.

Merlin: ... but it may also prevail, do you understand this?
AQ: Ooh, good move, warning him ahead of time! You've learned from last time!
Arthur: Learned from what? What's going on?
Mordred: Omg, does this really happen a lot?
AQ: Very much so, dearest. Stand back, lest you get ensnared by the insanity.

Merlin, are you going to cop a feel with Gwen?!

Come on, Arthur, you can do this!

Gwen... with all your heart, with all his heart... *sob* Come on, Gwen...

Oh Gwen, yes, yes, be free!

Poor Angel, she looks like she's shivering like crazy.


Arthur: ... a new dress?
AQ + Mordred: *die laughing*
Merlin: *glares at them* I hate you both.

If you could do anything for him, Arthur, it would be to remember this day, to remember what magic was able to give back to you.


Huh, Gwen's dress is strangely dry.

You don't think so? WTF Arthur?

OMG, Arthur, seriously, are you really that much of an ass? You're about to get turned into one... AGAIN... if you're not careful.

Oh, so they're still going to leave without him?

That's all you require? Hm...

The future of Camelot? *whimper*

Next Week: Merlin! Morgana! Alator! People flying! SNAKE! OMG SOMEONE GOT SHOT HOLY SHIT!

Wow, this was a great episode. Some good humor, with the power of love triumphing over evil, yay, good times. And hey, a goddess that wasn't a vengeful bitch, but actually did something good!

Merlin: Clearly, our boy has learned on how to operate during these big, grand selfless magical acts. Make sure that Morgana is take care of, for one thing, though he probably owes Mordred for that. But still, I loved that he was able to show Arthur the good that magic could do this week, even if it was in the disguise of a dotty old lady. For once this didn't blow up in his face. On the other hand, his continued distrust for Mordred is KILLING ME. These self-fulfilling prophecies are getting me right in the heart, seriously. I still say it will be the seeds of Merlin's distrust that will be Mordred's - and therefore Camelot's - downfall. Oh, and watching him throw flirty glances at Arthur and Mordred while in disguise? Most hysterical thing ever.

Arthur: Arthur... is a lousy actor. His behavior had Gwen's BS radar going off from the start. Nonetheless, his devotion knows no bounds, and he found it in him to trust in magic to save her, but he was the one who had to reach her first. True love and all that. Still, I'd love it if he'd show some appreciation for Merlin. As far as he knew, Merlin's life hung in the balance of everything that was happening, and that it was only Merlin's life that had got the sorceress to do what she did for Gwen. All he did was offer to give him the day off?! WTF? I get that they're playing for laughs in moments like this, but the lack of appreciation is particularly galling.

Gwen: Poor girl spent most of the episode asleep, but OMG YAY SHE'S BACK THANK FUCK! No more zombie!Gwen! Loved her scolding Arthur for being an insensitive ass over offering up a new dress. That's our girl! She'll drill some manners into him. *bg*

Morgana: So much for having a spy in the heart of Camelot. Out of luck again, Morgana. Until next week, anyway. Then she'll have some new brilliant plan to wreck havoc. Though, I do wonder what she'll make of Aithusa's strange behavior after Merlin drove the dragon off?

Mordred: His continued optimism and belief in the world that Merlin believes will come one day continues to break my heart. The boy has fucking seduced me, and he's BREAKING ME OMG.

Old Religion Stuff: I did find this bit to be interesting. The Dochraid was as fucked up as ever, and her confrontation with Merlin was scary as fuck. But the bit about the White Goddess and healing and such was interesting. Most often, we see the crueler, darker side of the Old Religion, but today we got a glimpse of a more benign side. The White Goddess was summoned and she did heal Gwen, clensing her of Morgana's magic. I wish I could make sense of all of this.

All in all, a decent hour. I'm thrilled beyond measure that Gwen's back among the goodies even if it means no more femslashy meetings in the Darkling Woods.

Next Week: ALATOR! DUDE IS BACK! Hope things turn out good, because it looks like he's in a heap of trouble.

media: first impressions, media: spoilers, tv: merlin

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