Five prompt fic responses

Oct 10, 2012 20:20

Title: Room with a View
Fandom: STXI
Characters: Christopher Pike
Prompt: Black
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/a
Disclaimer: Star Trek is the property of its many owners. I make no money from this and write it purely for entertainment value. No copyright infringement intended.

For him, the best view outside a window is space and stars. Black with pinpricks of white. It’s a sight he loves like no other.

So waking up every morning to a view of the bay or the city is hardly the joy it is to most people. Chris makes the best of it, though, and focuses on his current task - recruiting for Starfleet, in competition with other prestigious institutions, many of which are centuries older than the Academy.

Still, not a day goes by that he doesn’t long to be lost in the blackness of space.

Title: Prank
Fandom: STXI
Characters: Christopher Pike, Admiral Nogura
Prompt: Victim
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/a
Disclaimer: Star Trek is the property of its many owners. I make no money from this and write it purely for entertainment value. No copyright infringement intended.

Chris is going to kill Jim. He stands on the Academy green, gaping at the seething mass of chaos in the center of the area. Balloons are dumped haphazardly everywhere, drifting with the breeze. Streamers are draped on the tree branches.

There's also the enormous banner.

‘HAPPY DEMOTION DAY, CAPTAIN PIKE!’, is scrawled across the banner in yellow-green paint, the color of Starfleet’s command tunics.

“Just when we thought we’d made him grow up, he does something like this,” Nogura mutters.

Chris snorts. “Kirk will never give anyone the satisfaction of thinking they’ve made him do anything.”

Title: In Love
Fandom: STXI
Characters: Christopher Pike
Prompt: Love
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/a
Disclaimer: Star Trek is the property of its many owners. I make no money from this and write it purely for entertainment value. No copyright infringement intended.

She’s sleek and clean, new and untouched. She shines bright against the clear Iowa sky, blotting out the stars, making them unimportant in comparison.

She’s the most beautiful thing Chris has ever seen.

Chris has been in love before. The Yorktown held his love for over a decade before he finally passed her on to the care of Number One. The Cheyenne also had his devotion for a time. This ship, though, she’s different.

The Enterprise may just be the love of his life. If she is, he has no complaints.

Title: Routine
Fandom: STXI
Characters: Christopher Pike, Admiral Komack
Prompt: Predictable
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/a
Disclaimer: Star Trek is the property of its many owners. I make no money from this and write it purely for entertainment value. No copyright infringement intended.

The weekly report from the Enterprise always comes through late Saturday night. Chris always makes a point of staying up to see it arrive in his inbox and reading it before he turns in. It never fails to be the most entertaining reading of the week, even if it’s usually in Spock’s dry, factual tone.

The following morning, Chris sits down at his desk, stirring the creamer and sugar into his coffee while glaring at the stack of PADDs his assistant has stacked and waiting for him. Paperwork. He hates paperwork.

He picks up his coffee and takes a slow, deep sip, savoring the hot, bitter liquid. Leaning back in his chair, Chris closes his eyes and murmurs, “Three… two… one.”

The door to his reception area where Yeoman Rivers is already hard at work slides open. Since the door to Chris’ own office is wide open, he has a perfect view of the other room.

Komack stands in the doorway, his face red as he waves a PADD in front of him wildly. “PIKE!” He roars. “KIRK BLEW UP A FUCKING SUN!!”

Chris suppresses the desire to bust out laughing. Right on time.

Title: Banter
Fandom: STXI
Characters: Christopher Pike, James T. Kirk
Prompt: Sink
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: N/a
Disclaimer: Star Trek is the property of its many owners. I make no money from this and write it purely for entertainment value. No copyright infringement intended.

“Hold on, Captain,” Chris growls as he struggles to keep a grip on Jim while also scooping water out of their raft. The storm is rocking it violently, and the water keeps sloshing over the sides. This state of affairs isn’t helped by the fact that Jim is unconscious from a blow to the head, courtesy of those who pursued them all the way to the water. “That’s an order,” he adds for good measure.

He doesn’t know if Jim can hear him over the thunder, but Chris figures any little bit helps. Jim has always responded to his voice, so he can hope that this isn’t the exception.

The water keeps coming in and Chris keeps trying to toss it back out, all the while keeping one eye on Jim and the other on the sky, hoping that Spock got their message and is sending a shuttle to get them before there’s nothing left of them but fish food.

Jim groans and his eyes flutter. "Since... when do I... follow orders?" he slurs.

"If you don't follow this one, I swear I'll take the Enterprise back," Chris promises.

"Over... my sinking... corpse."

character: star trek: christopher pike, fanfiction: star trek, fanfiction: prompts, !fanfiction: master list

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