Revenge 2.0

Sep 30, 2012 22:58

I stand corrected from my last post. DING DONG THE WICKED BITCH IS NOT DEAD! Thank goodness, because this show just wouldn't be quite as fun without Victoria Grayson looking down her nose at everyone. Seriously. *glees* And she and Emily need to have a serious throwdown moment. ;D

Dude, seriously, Conrad is sinking to new levels of douchebaggery, paying off Charlotte's doctor to give her false positives on her drug screenings so he can control her inheritance? WTF Conrad WTF?

Ah, pretty sure Daniel thinks he's still in love with Emily, despite dating Ashley (who is probably going to want to kill someone when she finds out her old boss is still alive). Or at least he's still attracted to her, anyway. Not sure Emily cares much. She hasn't seemed to since he decided to be his dad's kid and hide what Conrad did to David Clarke. I wonder what would have happened with those two if Daniel had spilled the beans back then...

Charlotte... of everyone, I really feel the most sorry for her. The poor girl's been yanked this way and that, manipulated by just about everyone who ever professed to love her. Here's hoping there's some kind of light at the end of the tunnel.

Jack and Amanda... eh. Kind of indifferent at this point. Jack spending the episode emoing is kind of boring. Though I think Declan wants to punch him, which is kind of cool. He should.

Next Week: Huh, so since Victoria took away Emily's mom, she's going to take away Charlotte from Victoria? I assume this means that Emily is going to basically work to become Charlotte's new BFF and subtly reveal the fact that her mother is a backstabbing bitch who helped destroy her biological father just to save her adopted father's reputation? Yeah, this could be cool. After all, it's not like Emily and Charlotte ever had a chance to have a normal sisterly relationship, did they?

Oh, and Conrad's comment in the teaser about not even the Devil wanting Victoria? Hysterical. :D

media: spoilers, tv: other

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