
Jan 17, 2012 11:15

Jeez, the weather's been lousy lately. Last week, it was practically two days straight of non-stop snow, and now it's rain, rain, rain. Though, I suppose it's better rain than snow. Less of a mess, and no need for snow ploughs and whatnot.

rl: gen

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Comments 4

nekochi_life January 17 2012, 20:10:28 UTC
I know what you mean, snow can be annoying.

It's raining here too, but nothing compared to the rain season in december..


angelqueen04 January 17 2012, 23:31:33 UTC
Definitely. :(

Heh, well, thankfully, the rain cleared up a bit and we even got a little sunshine later in the day. :)

Of course, there's still the fact that snow's being predicted for tonight... *headdesk*


lycoris January 17 2012, 23:01:32 UTC
Rain is always better than snow but still rubbish. I feel for you. *nods*


angelqueen04 January 17 2012, 23:36:06 UTC
*hugs* Thanks! :D


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