Title: Instruction
angelqueen04Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Warnings: SPOILERS for 4.06 A Servant of Two Masters
Characters/Pairings: Merlin, Series 4 character, mention of Arthur; gen
Summary: It's not as bad as they thought it would be.
Disclaimer: Merlin is the property of the BBC and Shine. I make no claim on it and write this purely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement intended.
Merlin will never admit it, but George actually shows him some useful things in the course of ‘teaching him how to be a proper servant’. Certain tasks that used to take him hours to complete now take significantly less time as his skill grows. The man even shows him how to hold multiple objects in his hands without dropping them.
“Balance is key,” the pompous man tells him, well, pompously.
Merlin longs to tell him that it’s more difficult than that when he’s also trying to save His Pratness’ life while also cleaning up after him, but holds his tongue.
Instructing Merlin is not as horrible as George had feared. Merlin is clearly capable of learning, despite the king’s claims about his simplemindedness. He sees that Merlin knows what to do, he just doesn’t know the most efficient way to go about it. With his lessons, that quickly changes.
Of course, not even George’s most fervent admonishments prevent Merlin from insulting the king. “It is not proper to abuse the king, Merlin,” he tells him.
Merlin merely snorts indelicately. “Someone has to keep him from getting a big head, George. Well, bigger than it already is, anyway.”
George moans, mortified.