A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin

Oct 23, 2011 20:27

I'd put myself on the waiting list for the audio book version of this book over a month ago, and it finally came around to my turn this past Wednesday. When I first added myself to the list, there were over a hundred people ahead of me, and I know there are probably about that many behind me, so I'll only have twenty-eight days to get through twenty-eight discs and return it to the library on-time. As a result, I've been putting the CDs into the DVD player and listening to the book while I work on my holiday cross-stitching projects. I'm just about to start the sixth disc.

Dang, but this book is freakin' hardcore! Regicide, incest, attempted assassinations on comatose little boys, and ordering the execution of puppies wolves!

Of course, not too happy that the Queen of the story is a raging bitch with inadequacy issues because her husband is still in love with a woman who had been dead for nearly twenty years. Oh, and her eldest son, the Crown Prince, is Draco Malfoy reincarnate a sniveling little brat whose chief threat to anyone who stands up to him is, "I'll tell my mother!"

So tell me, flisters who are watching the show, how well does the book translate to television? I know Sean Bean is playing Ned Stark, which has me over the moon because Sean Bean actually playing a good guy? Knock me over with a feather! I've heard other good things too...

rl: books, tv: other

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