Fifth time's the charm?

Nov 22, 2010 17:04

Interview #5 happened today, my first interview outside of the library system that I volunteer at. It was... different than I expected. I'm used to interviews that go on for about forty to forty-five minutes or thereabouts. This one lasted twenty minutes, at the very most. I arrived about an hour early so I could check the library out and wow, I've never been in a library that made me feel claustrophobic before. The building was an old one (which I love -- old buildings have huge potential for being awesome), and the areas where the stacks were located had fairly low ceilings. It was like being in a cave, and so not what I'm used to. I think I could come to like it, if they'd give me the job.

But still, it was so short. I was really surprised by that.

rl: jobs

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