30-day ship meme, days 28, 29, and 30 -- COMPLETE!

Oct 23, 2010 22:46

Day 01: What is your current favorite ship?
Day 02: What was your very first ship?
Day 03: A pairing that needs to happen now?
Day 04: The pairing with the most chemistry?
Day 05: The pairing with the least chemistry?
Day 06: The best chemistry?
Day 07: The most heartbreaking scene?
Day 08: The pairing with the most baggage?
Day 09: Most believeable pairing?
Day 10: Why aren't these two married in real life?
Day 11: Your dream pairing?
Day 12: Who had the best wedding?
Day 13: What is your favorite television pairing?
Day 14: What is your favorite book pairing?
Day 15: What is your favorite real life couple?
Day 16: What is the absolute worst pairing?
Day 17: A pairing you thought would never work out, but did?
Day 18: What is the cutest pairing?
Day 19: A pairing you've rooted for since the beginning?
Day 20: The 'can't stand the sexual tension anymore' more pairing?
Day 21: A pairing you like but no one else understands?
Day 22: A pairing you hate and no one understands why?
Day 23: A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great?
Day 24: A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly?
Day 25: A pairing that was/would be adorable, but would never work out?
Day 26: A pairing that you hated but ended up loving?
Day 27: A pairing that you loved but ended up hating?

Day 28: A pairing that you will never understand?

Abigail Sciuto/Timothy McGee, NCIS

In the short-term, it was cute, but I'll never understand this ship in the long-term sense. Abby's an unstoppable force, but McGee's no immovable object. She'd bawl him over, and does so on a regular basis. She's able to walk all over him, and he's so often one step behind her, which is why I don't understand this being such a huge ship. I guess it's because I think that two people should be on a more equal footing in a relationship. Abby needs someone on her level, someone who she can't run over with her boundless enthusiasm, but someone who rolls with it and doesn't let it overwhelm them. *cough*Gibbs*cough

Day 29: What ship had the best proposal?

B'Elanna Torres/Tom Paris, Star Trek Voyager

*laughs* I'll never, ever forget this pairing's proposal! They were piloting the Delta Flyer in this big race, facing extremely dangerous situations with consoles shorting and other such chaos, then Tom, who was in the middle of using every ounce of skill he had to keep them alive, called nonchalantly over his shoulder, "Will you marry me?" And B'Elanna's head whips up and she stares down at him, all, "You're proposing now?!" Hee! Adorable and hilarious!

Day 30: Your favorite ship forever and ever and ever!

Oh, it's impossible to pick just one! I've had so many ships over the years that I've loved, each in their own unique way. If it came down to it, I'd say my top three would be:

Abigail Sciuto/Leroy Jethro Gibbs, NCIS

Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Merlin

Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard, Stargate Atlantis

ship: merlin: merlin/arthur, ship: sga: weir/sheppard, lj: memes, ship: other

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