I swear, that moment when Shaw shot Papa B just about broke my heart. I started yelling at my TV, something I haven't done since... well, SGA when it descended in to it's lameass-ness, but this was just horrible! Chuck was perfectly calm, ready and willing to break Shaw's head open just to prove that he's got the bigger better Intersect, and them BOOM! Papa B's on the ground with a couple of bulletholes in him and Chuck's howling his head off (not that I blame him). And Ellie! She saw it too, the poor girl!
Shaw is such a bastard. At first I mostly hated him for trying to kill Sarah and trying to break up the Dynamic CIA Duo, but now I hate him for a lot more. Papa B, burning General Beckman (though that scene with her shredding papers and talking to Awesome and Morgan and then getting lifted up out of her chair and out of the room was hysterical), going after Casey's daughter, trying to flirt again with Sarah... Grr.
And he's still not dead! Chuck and Sarah beat the hell out of him -- finally -- but they still didn't kill him. Well, here's hoping General Beckman'll have the job done. Because the bastard just needs to die and stay dead this time.
Omg, the Buy More! I wonder if they'll rebuild the place, or if we'll be losing Big Mike, Jeff, and Lester next season. *wibbles* But still, that big blow-up was effing AWESOME! :D
Also, that flashback that showed mini!Chuck downloading an early version of the Intersect was really cool. I wonder if that will come in to play at all in the future. Or was that just meant to give Chuck something to focus on and allow him to reboot the Intersect?
So, Chuck's resigned from the CIA, just as he promised Ellie that he would, but now he's found all of Papa B's super sekrit spybase underneath their old house, including the info about Mama B! I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WAS IN ON SOMETHING SPY RELATED! THEY REALLY ARE THE SPY FAMILY!!! WOOT! My guess -- Chuck and everyone are going freelance next year, building on what Papa B spent his whole life on. And now they're going to go find and save Mama B! SWEET!
So, we'll be seeing Chuck 4.0 this fall. Can't wait! :D