Story updates

Apr 27, 2010 09:24

chaos_thon story continues to grow. I'm about eight or so scenes from being done with it. A little editing to be done afterward, and then I'll need to find a beta.

armor_bigbang story, which has the tentative title of Hells of Their Own Making, hasn't been worked on quite as much, but I do have nearly all of it outlined. Once the chaos_thon story is done, I'll have more time to work on it.

There is a third Merlin fic, currently untitled, that is also in the works. It's nearly complete, just about two scenes short of being done. OT4, Merlin/Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot, with a dash of Gwen/Morgana on the side as well. Heh, this will be the first Merlin fic that I've written femslash for. *bounces* Such fun, expanding my horizons. *bg*

fanfiction: merlin, lj: memes: fake tv show, fanfiction: fic updates

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