
Apr 07, 2010 09:17

Snurched from hoperomantic.

Choose five series fandoms (no peeking before you choose them), list them, and then answer the questions behind the cut.

1. Merlin
2. Chuck
3. Sanctuary
4. Scarecrow & Mrs. King (wow, really reached for that one, clear back to the '80s)
5. Stargate SG-1

1. Which is your favorite series from your list? And why?
Erg, that's a toughie. I love all five of these series. However, if I had to choose, it would probably be Merlin. I'm a sucker for Arthurian legend in almost any form, and even though the show has some major flaws and interpretations that I really disagree with, it's highly entertaining and adorable. That, and I have a serious crush on just about the entire cast.

2. If you were to pair two characters from 1 and 4, who would they be?
O.O Ohdeargod, that would be one fucked up fic, that's for damn sure, no matter who I picked. But let's see... perhaps Merlin and Amanda, perhaps? Provided either that she was de-aged by about twenty years or if it was a gen fic and Amanda took to him like a mother takes to most kids.

3. What is one thing you’d like to change about 3’s plot line?

4. If both main characters of 2 and 5 were falling off a cliff, which one would you save?
Hm, well, I'm sure Jack would have a grapple that he could use to catch himself, so I'd go ahead and save Chuck, since he'd be screaming his head off.

5. Which event was the most horrible for you in 1?
Oooh, tough one, because the second series had so many bad things happen to the gang in it. Probably things getting so fucked up by the bad advice of the Dragon and Gaius that Merlin felt that the only way to save everything and everyone was to poison Morgana. *sob*

6. Which is your least favorite character of 2?
Hah. Shaw, hands down. The man will not stop messing with my Sarah/Chuck mojo. Plus he's just really boring and annoying. Jerk.

7. If the antagonist of 3 were to rape the main character of 1, what would you do?
Uh, er, well... what? *flails* I don't even want to think about something like that!

8. What song reminds you of 5?
Ooh, definitely "Our Lives", by The Calling

9. Of 1, 3, and 5, which is the easiest to think about?
Probably Merlin.

10. Are the protagonists of 2 and 4 similar?
*blinks* Oh HAH! Talk about funny! Yes, they are! Chuck and Sarah, normal-guy-turned-spy and the gorgeous spy, and Amanda and Lee, normal-lady-turned-spy and gorgeous spy! I do believe I've heard more than once people saying that Chuck is the new Scarecrow & Mrs. King, just with the characters switched. And the fact that Chuck and Sarah don't have to run to the pay phone every time they have to check in with the bosses. Damn, but it was a dangerous time before cell phones. ;)

tv: chuck, tv: sg-1, tv: merlin, tv: other, lj: memes, tv: sanctuary

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