icon meme

Dec 18, 2009 09:38

Snagged from hariboo_smirks.

1. Reply to this post with 'ICONS!', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

The Chosen Ones:

Made by _pseudofriends.

Arthur and Guinevere. Destined, 'tis true, but before this episode, I was more resigned to the pairing than anything. Not against it, but not dancing about for joy, either. However, once I'd seen this episode, I could have danced for joy. In the space of forty minutes, the writers had made me genuinely ship these two, and this icon was the perfect manifestation of it. Utterly pretty. That, and I can look at it in complete envy of Angel Coulby, the lucky girl.

Made by secret_x_garden.

Ah, Helen and John. Seriously, this is probably the most screwed up couple I've ever shipped. She's a jaded virtual immortal, he's her awesome ex-fiance who turned into Jack the Ripper. These two have some serious issues, and yet still manage to have some amazing chemistry. I particularly love this icon because of what is going on at the time during the episode. Talk about angst.

Made by me.

Hee! Flash and Bats! I was turned on to Justice League and Justice League Unlimited a long while ago, and this episode in particular is a favorite of mine, as is the series' rendition of Flash. He can be such a cutie, and watching him wheedle Batman of all people is hilarious, as is the sulky affirmative Batman gives him. This icon never fails to make me grin.

Made by secret_x_garden.

Seriously, Nikola Tesla is probably my favorite vampire ever. He's such a whiny little bitch, as evidenced by the icon alone, but he pulls it off with such style! I just love how he complains in this episode, "The creep in the room with the hair!" HEE!

Made by _pseudofriends.

*wibbles* Episode 2.12 The Fires of Idirsholas is probably one of the saddest episodes of Merlin ever, and this icon really captures why. Merlin weeping silently as he holds the dying Morgana in his arms... *sob* Good lord, but Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath can act... (You think it's because they're Irish?)

tv: merlin, tv: other, lj: memes, artwork: icons, tv: sanctuary

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