TV has taken over my life [SPOILERS]

Nov 20, 2009 17:24

I once made the comment that Irena reminded me of Kara Sun from the first season, yes? Well, Irena one-upped Kara Sun by actually winning instead of coming in second.

Heh, also? Watching Tim flail backstage was uber funny. *bg*

I about died over his Pledge of Allegiance 2.0:

I text allegiance
to the flag
of the United States
of American Apparel,
and to the Facebook
Which it friends.
One nation,
with liberty and Jonas for all.

*falls over with giggles*

Huh, so Helen supposedly kills Big Guy, and Will has to defend her against the other Sanctuary Heads? My guess: this is all one big, huge set up to see how Will copes with the pressure without Helen there to stand and watch over his shoulder. If he passes, they'll make him Assistant Head of the U.S. Sanctuary. Once he's been there for a few years and gotten some experience, they'll see about setting him up with his own Sanctuary.

That's my guess. And Big Guy will be back roaming the halls of the Sanctuary by the end of the hour.

He better be, anyway...

tv: other, tv: project runway, tv: sanctuary

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