Have yourself a merry little Christmas...

Dec 25, 2008 21:18

Hope everyone had a fun and safe day! :)

Got some cool stuff today: Taylor Swift's two CDs, Taylor Swift and Fearless; Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on DVD (omg*flail*); and two gift cards, one being for Barnes and Noble. That last one's already been used, btw. ;) Went online and ordered Books 2 throuth 5 of Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire series. *bounces*

Watched both DVDs today, and the cut below hides all of my gushing about The Dark Knight. If you haven't seen it, then just skip over it. :)

Holy shit, a lot happened in this movie. Heath Ledger was fucking AMAZING as the Joker, talk about craaaaaaaaazy. *shivers*

When it seemed that Gordon had been shot saving the mayor, I freaked. I don't know everything there is to know about Batman and the comics and such, but even I know that you. Don't. Fucking. Kill. Jim Gordon. *flail* I was shouting at the television for a few minutes, and then squealed when they revealed that he'd gone underground to get the Joker. *pets Gordon* Do not mess with Jim Gordon, especially when Gary Oldman's playing him! :D

Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine were awesome too. Loved when Alfred took Rachel's note away when Bruce said that she was going to wait for him, such an Alfred thing to do, protecting Bruce in what ways he can. Also liked Lucius practically laughing the guy who attempted to blackmail him and Bruce, as well as Lucius standing up to Bruce on the cell phone network thingy. Good work there.

I never cared much for Rachel in Batman Begins, mostly because the girl in Batman movies never last. Vicki Vale, Selina Kyle, and so on are all good examples of it. In TDK, I didn't care much at first, but watching her grow closer to Harvey only to see her die was a great twist. (Huh, who would have figured that the girl would become interesting because she went and died?)

Harvey Dent, I think, was the most remarkable character in the movie. I loved how they showed his development. It made him becoming Two-Face so much more tragic, seeing him as "The White Knight" and his determination to work with Batman and Gordon to clean up the city and knowing what his eventual fate was. That, and he was gorgeous before he became TF. *drools*

Awesome movie, if a little long.

movies, other

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