Oct 01, 2008 13:59

To everyone who requested an icon fic from me back at the beginning of September: I am so completely sorry! I had started working on the fics when my classes started thoroughly distracting me. I completely forgot about them until last night when I was looking through my WiP folder. They're finished now and I'm going to post them here.

Again, my most sincere apologies! *hangs head in shame*

Icon made by veronica_a (lizzieyes), ficlet for peanutbutterer

“That’s it!” Sheppard exclaimed, jumping up from his seat at the table.

Everyone looked at him. “What’s it?” McKay demanded.

“Think about it,” John replied. He pointed at Elizabeth and said, “Lizzie?”

McKay’s eyes widened. No one called Elizabeth ‘Lizzie,’ not even Carson had dared. He remembered once, back in Antarctica, that Carson had called her ‘Beth’ and the look she had given him made sure that everyone knew to just stick with Elizabeth.

So Rodney didn’t expect her to react well to Sheppard calling her Lizzie, of all things. This time, though, he was surprised.

Without batting an eyelid, Elizabeth grinned and shrugged her shoulders. “Yes?” she asked, sounding utterly innocent.

Rodney blinked. What was going on here? He’d never thought things would go so strange when trying to plan a surprise birthday party for Caldwell. Just what were Sheppard and Elizabeth up to? Plus how did Sheppard get away with calling her that name of all things?

“You two are strange,” he finally uttered. Neither of them replied, too busy laughing.

Icon made by sweetiemissy (DV promo), ficlet for hariboo_smirks

The camera was constantly flashing, but thanks to the many lights set up, there was no need for the flash, so Daniel’s eyes weren’t constantly seeing spots.

Next to him, Vala muttered, “How much longer is this going to take?”

He sighed. “As long as it needs to,” he told her. For once, Daniel didn’t blame her for her impatience. When the government had decided to unveil the Stargate Program to the wider world, Daniel had thought that he would be happy. No more secrets, he’d thought, no more classifying his discoveries so high that they’d never be read by any other members of his field. No more having to read publications that were so blatantly wrong.

What Daniel hadn’t considered was the publicity, and how the program was to be released. This included photo shoots, lots and lots of photo shoots, especially for the members of SG-1, past and present. Though, Daniel still wasn’t sure how Jack had managed to absent himself from this shoot. Teal’c, General Landry, Mitchell, and Sam were all here, but Jack was either still in Washington or hiding out at his cabin. If the latter, then Daniel didn’t think anything less than a Presidential order would get him here.

“All right then,” the photographer said, interrupting Daniel’s thoughts of revenge on Jack for ditching them here, “let’s get a few shots of you and Miss Maldin up close, Doctor Jackson.”

Daniel struggled not to roll his eyes while Vala growled beside him. “It’s Mal Doran, you…” Daniel was suddenly glad that the photographer didn’t understand Goa’uld. He struck Daniel as a guy who would probably not hesitate to get into a screaming match with Vala.

Despite her rancor, Vala scooted over behind Daniel and draped her arms over his shoulders and down his chest, her face appearing next to the left side of his. “How’s this, darling?” she purred in his ear. Daniel just raised an eyebrow.

“Oh no, no, that won’t do at all!” The photographer intervened. “We need to keep the seriousness here. Sit next to Doctor Jackson, Miss Malad. Lean forward with your hands on his shoulder.”

Vala did as directed, but Daniel could see the look in her eyes. She was planning something. Normally, he’d take this moment to tell her to behave lest she upset everyone, but given that they had been at this shoot for nearly four hours with barely a ten-minute break, Daniel reconsidered.

Let her do with the photographer as she wanted. Daniel was too tired to bother stopping her.

Icon made by oregonblondie (Lizzie serious), ficlet for havocthecat

The light grew fainter and fainter as time passed, but they found that they did not mind it overly much. They had been in their present circumstances for so long that the darkness had become a friend, an ally. The light only created problems for them.

They watched from their bunker as their forces swept through the valley in front of them. The resistance had lost yet another world, which meant they were one step closer to Atlantis. Soon the city of their creators would be in their hands, and they would not waste the opportunity as Oberoth had. His obsession with revenge against the Alterans by destroying their former capital city (something they were fairly sure that Alterans would not care about) was the supreme foolishness. They would do better.

Must you always go over your plans for galactic domination? One would think that you were obsessing over that just as Oberoth did.

They growled. That irritating voice was something that Oberoth’s people had not been able to eradicate. The former host of this body was strong and stubborn. She refused to die, and foolishly clung to the fading light.

Light fades, but it will come back. It always does.

Not if they destroyed the sun, they thought. Perhaps that was the best way to shut her up. Destruction on a greater scale than just a few worlds. How would she feel if they destroyed entire systems?

I’ve already dealt with that, thank you.

Insolence. They efficiently stimulated various centers of the body’s brain and listened with satisfaction as the body’s voice cried out in pain. The guards were well used to such a situation and did not enter the room.

You’re not going to win, you know. No matter what you do to me, they will stop you.

Would she ever learn to keep silent? They repeated the treatment, and her screams echoed both in the room and in the mind. You should cease your pathetic attempts at rebellion and accept your situation, they told her. It is only logical.

No… I’m going to watch. I want to see my people destroy you, all of you.

They sighed. Humans were such fools. Elizabeth Weir chief amongst them. The Lanteans could do nothing to stop them.

Don’t… be so sure of that.

Icon made by hariboo_smirks (Shep breaking), ficlet for sgpr_fan

The air’s warmer here than it was on Lantea. There’s two moons in the sky. The water doesn’t make the same sounds slamming against the piers as it did. John’s not sure he likes it here.

The city’s quiet. Most people have probably collapsed into their beds, hoping for the first goodnight’s rest they’ve had in days. John’s exhausted too, but sleep doesn’t come.

It’s been hell, these past few months. Losing Beckett’s been hell. Keller’s okay, he admits, but she just isn’t the same. No one can order everyone around like Beckett could. Now Elizabeth’s gone too. Oh, he knows he told Colonel Carter that he’ll find her if she’s still alive, but John’s not stupid. The odds are bad even for a normal POW, but one held by the Replicators? He hasn’t forgotten the torture Oberoth inflicted on all of them, and he seems to hate Elizabeth especially. It’s going to be bad, hell, it probably is bad right now.

How much loss can people take? John’s been losing people his whole life. His mother, his friends in Afghanistan, and even more back on Earth. And then there’s the people that have died or been lost on his watch out here in Pegasus: Sumner, Ford, Beckett, Elizabeth, and more. Too many more.

Heightmeyer always tells him that there’s only so much one person can do, that he can’t save everyone and it’s “unwise” to think he’s capable of more than what he’s already done. But every time he closes his eyes right now, he relives what he’s been through the past few days.

“… she’ll never be the same again.”

“I reactivated the nanites.”

“Damn it, McKay!”

“John? Rodney? What’s going on?”

“… do not hesitate with that kill-switch.”



A loud crash causes John’s eyes to snap open again and he looks down to his right. The stand that usually holds his guitar lays on the ground, smashed. His hand aches.

He stares at it for several moments, then looks away, back toward the unfamiliar ocean.

Icon made by me (Shep run), ficlet for rory_elizabeth

The elevator opened to reveal tunnel-like corridors. Elizabeth stepped forward cautiously, fearful that Fletcher and his goons would leap out at her out of the shadows. She moved away from the elevators and turned left down a longer hallway. What is this place? she wondered. It’s familiar… Yet, Elizabeth could not place it. She only knew that she sought Atlantis, even if the city itself was a faded memory at best. Still, she had to reach it. She just had to.

Nonetheless, when another familiar voice called out her name, Elizabeth stopped in her tracks and turned. It was Jack.

General O’Neill gave her a faint smile, his weathered face pale in the face of a bluish, dancing light. “Doctor Weir,” he said gently, “you have a go.”

Elizabeth stared at him. “Where am I?” she asked.

He eyed her, confusion flitting across his handsome features. “Stargate Command,” he replied.

She didn’t know how the S.G.C. members stood it, being underground all the time. Elizabeth had the better deal, with an ocean view.

“It’s okay,” Jack assured her, and then beckoned. “Follow me.”

Elizabeth bit her lip, but something inside her trusted him. Funny, wise in his own way… She took a few steps toward him.

“Elizabeth.” And she stopped again. Something inside of her hitched. That voice… she knew it, had heard it so may times, but his name, identity, remained just out of reach. She turned around.

He stood at the other end of the corridor, his features as indistinct as they had so often been every time she saw or heard him. “Don’t listen to them,” he called to her.

She stared at him, uncertain how to comprehend the myriad of emotions sweeping through her. Behind her, Jack inquired what was wrong, but she didn’t answer him immediately. Then, the other man said softly, urgently, “This way.” And he walked around the corner.

Slowly, she turned back to Jack, her resolve firming. She quirked her eyebrow at him, believing he had heard the other as clearly as she. He stepped toward her a few steps. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he told her.

Elizabeth failed to find him convincing. “The hell you aren’t,” she snapped, glaring at him briefly before bolting away from him. She flew around the corner, could see the figure at the other end, just walking out of sight and hurried after him.

But then, two SFs appeared, heavily armed, which forced her to stop. They knelt and raised their guns in her direction. Elizabeth turned, intending to find another route, only to find two more in much the same position.

Damn it! How was she to get out of this? Where the hell had he gone? She needed him! He had always been there before!

Kolya’s arm was clamped around her waist like a vice as he dragged her toward the wormhole. Elizabeth struggled as much as she dared, still very much aware of the gun held against her back.

“I will shoot you if you don’t let her go.”

“And risk hitting Doctor Weir?” Kolya sneered, his voice poison in her ears.

“I’m not aiming at her.”

Elizabeth didn’t even have time to cry out. One shot.

She was free.


She whirled back around, and there he was, in full view for the first time. A single word flew from her mouth before Elizabeth even knew what she was about.


“You’ve been infected by nanites,” he explained. “They’re trying to take control of your mind and body. Don’t let them do it. You have to fight them, so fight.”

The memories, which had been a slow trickle, now became a flood. Teyla. Ronon. Rodney. Carson. Atlantis. Niam, helping them escape the clutches of his countrymen. Niam, his hands squeezing her throat tighter and tighter. It all made sense now.

“Elizabeth!” She turned again and saw Jack appearing behind the two SFs. No, Elizabeth thought. Not Jack.

“You have to come with us,” he stated, his voice even and dead in a way that Jack O’Neill never sounded. “I’m sorry.”

Elizabeth doubted that. She looked back at John, hoping he could help her get through the SFs and their guns, help her get out of this nightmare all together.

“You know which way you have to go,” he said, his expression firm and resolute. Elizabeth inched toward him slowly.


She ran.

character: sga: elizabeth weir, ship: sg-1: jackson/mal doran, ship: sga: weir/sheppard, fanfiction: sga, fanfiction: sg-1, fanfiction: requests, !fanfiction: master list

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