Requests #13, #14, and #15

Dec 10, 2007 14:23

The last three! *twirls* Hope everyone likes them! :)

For medie, who requested Jack Carter and Kate Heightmeyer, "I'm sensing some hostility." "Yeah, the SGC keeps stealing their thunder."

"No no no! How many times and demonstrations do you need before you accept that you can't draw zero-point energy from our own space-time?" Rodney shouted, leaning forward to make his point. His face was red and if Kate didn't know that he was in perfect health, she would be seriously concerned about his blood pressure.

Nathan Stark, however, did not share her worry. "But within a controlled environment and using the bare minimum amount of power--"

"The same result will still occur," Rodney interrupted impatiently. "Catastrophic meltdown and an explosion large enough to take out the entire solar system." He glared at the other man. "Or did you not read the report about Project Arcturus?"

Stark smirked at him. "Oh I read it, but I still think that if the proper care is taken--"

"You'll still blow everyone to kingdom come..."

Kate honestly had not been sure why she had been asked to accompany a team of scientists from Atlantis to Eureka, but after seeing the competitiveness between the scientists of Atlantis and Global Dynamics, she understood now. Elizabeth wanted someone to play mediator and keep Rodney from killing everyone.

Eventually, the groups tired of sitting in a conference room and packed up to move to a lab. Kate didn't move, however, and just watched them leave. Elizabeth was going to pay for this, she thought.

"I'm sensing a little hostility," she commented out loud to the one other person who had remained behind.

"Yeah," Sheriff Jack Carter replied. He leaned back in his chair, causing it to squeak. "Stark and the other geeks aren't used to dealing with other people who know more about stuff than they do. The SGC keeps stealing their thunder. Drives Stark and Allison crazy. Henry deals with it a little better, mostly because he thinks Atlantis is fascinating and wants a crack at the place."

Kate chuckled. "He isn't the only one," she said. "Doctor Daniel Jackson tried for years to get out there and only recently got to see it." She turned to him. "And what about you, Sheriff? How do you handle knowing that your people aren't the only ones who can analyze this kind of thing?"

Carter shrugged. "It's all so far over my head. As long as your guys and mine don't try to blow up the solar system, I'm happy. I already deal with Global trying to blow up the planet or kill everyone with some new invention at least once a week. I don't need the combined brain power making it worse."

She smiled. "In this case, I don't think we have to worry about that," she told him. "Rodney learned his lesson on Project Arcturus. Taking out five-sixths of a solar system, plus Doctor Weir ripping him to shreds in the aftermath made him far more cautious than he used to be."

"She do that often?" Carter asked.

"Not really, and that's what makes it so effective. Everyone who heard it does whatever they can to avoid it."


Next, for mentalmichael, who requested John Sheppard and Zoe Carter, "My dad is going to kill me!"

The explosion rocked the building and threw Zoe to the ground. The smoke blinded her, but she could still hear the blaring of alarms and the pattering of many feet coming closer and closer. She flailed around, only to jerk her hand back with a pained hiss when it came into contact with something sharp.

"Hello?" someone shouted. "Anyone in here?"

"Over here," Zoe replied, struggling to stand up. "I have no idea what happened. I did not add that last bit of dry ice to the mixture, so it wasn't my fault," she said.

The person in question quickly found her and led her out. Once she was through the smoke, she looked around, confused. She wasn't in school, hell, she wasn't even in Global Dynamics. She didn't think they could make anything this pretty-looking, even if it was covered in soot and grime from the explosion.

Zoe looked at the people gathered around her. They were all dressed like the military, but they didn't appear to be the morons that had burst in on her when she first came to Eureka. "What's going on?" she demanded. "Where am I?"

She watched them all glance at each other before one of them, a short guy not much taller than her (though he was still kind of cute), answered, "Uh, you're in Atlantis, miss."

Zoe stared at him. "Right," she said, smirking. "And Nathan Stark's from Tibet."

Before he could reply, another voice interrupted and Zoe turned. "Lorne, what happened here?"

The short guy, Lorne, straightened. "We're not entirely sure yet, sir. We got here and this young lady was the only person here."

Zoe eyed up the new arrival. He looked a little older than Lorne, probably a little younger than her dad. He had messy dark hair that actually looked right on him and sharp eyes that took in her appearance quickly. "And you would be?" he asked drawlingly.

"Zoe Carter," she answered absently. "And whatever happened, I didn't do it. I was just reading the instructions out of my notebook. Lily was the one putting everything together." She looked up at him. "Who are you?"

"Colonel John Sheppard," he said, still staring at her. "Where are you from?"

She rolled her eyes. "Eureka, duh," she told him. "Home of the GA, Geeks Anonymous. How'd the military get here so fast? Shouldn't Henry be here trying to put out any fires?"

The colonel raised an eyebrow and glanced at the other guys still surrounding her. "Uh, Miss Carter, I think you're a little confused. I don't know about any Eureka, and I'm telling you, this isn't it. This is Atlantis."

"Yeah, that's what this guy told me," Zoe replied, jerking a thumb toward Lorne. "And I'm no idiot. I've read about Atlantis. Home of an advanced civilization, enemy of the Athenians, destroyed by a huge wave, la la la. Quit messing with me."

"I'm not," Sheppard said. He pointed to a blown-out window a few yards down the hallway. "See for yourself."

Zoe sighed impatiently. Were these guys wackos or what, she thought as she strode past him, humoring the man. I mean, Atlantis? Please.

When Zoe looked out the window and saw the huge city in front of her, she had two thoughts. The first one was stupid, and she didn't voice it: Definitely not in Kansas anymore. The second thought, though, was infinitely more important.

"My dad is going to kill me!"

And last, but never least, for trinity1986, who requested Vala Mal Doran and Morgan le Fey, "There's blood between us, love, my love, There's father's blood, there's brother's blood; And blood's a bar I cannot pass."

It was funny, this whole Ascension thing, Vala thought. She'd heard about it enough from Daniel, but she thought it just made you infinitely wiser than what you were normally, but you couldn't do anything useful with it because of all their infernal rules. All of that was true, to a degree, but there was more to it than what she had initially thought.

If anything, Ascension's true power was that it stripped you of the illusions that you surrounded yourself with. Vala had many illusions that she clung to, and now they were gone. Perhaps most obvious was the illusion that she could cease to think of Adria as her child. She was. Though Adria was fathered by some random Ori, though she followed their path and was imbued with their power, there was still a part of her that was the daughter of Vala Mal Doran, ex-thief and con-artist. And that part of her fought constantly with her pre-disposition toward Ori strictures.

"You can speak with her, if you like."

And that was another thing. Vala could not yet fully shield her thoughts and they could easily be picked up, usually by the Ancient sent to watch her carefully for any signs of breaking the rules. Though, she supposed it could be worse. She could be dealing with one of the Others. Vala counted herself lucky that they sent Morgan le Fey instead.

"Maybe," she murmured, not looking at the other woman.

"Adria cannot harm you here," Morgan assured her. "She knows that to attack another Ascended would leave her open to counter-attack from the Ancients." She paused, and then, "Whatever you may think of them, they do look after those who reach their level. It is not just about the rules."

Vala nodded. "I'm sure it isn't, but what good will it do?"

"You are her mother, Vala Mal Doran. That fact alone means you can make her listen far more than anyone else could."

A bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Yes, she is my child. I can't deny that anymore, no. But she refuses to listen to reason. She wants her holy crusade, wants to see the galaxy run red with the blood of innocents. Anything less than absolute obedience is unacceptable. Adria would not listen to me before, why would she start now?"

"No child likes to admit that their parents might know more than they do, but there eventually comes a time when they will stop and listen," Morgan stated. Vala felt a hand cup her chin and turn her head to meet the other woman's eyes. "Blood calls to blood, Vala Mal Doran," she said softly. "Adria may not heed your words, but she hears them all the same and she cannot banish them from her mind."

Vala stared at her. Her experience with Adria railed against what Morgan said, but something else made her pause.

Blood calls to blood. Simple words, or a mother's hope spoken aloud?

Previous requests:

Elizabeth Weir and Brendan Dean: "This could go bad in so many ways." for irony_rocks (Rated R)
Jack O'Neill and Elizabeth Weir: "How far you gonna go before you lose your way back home / You've been trying to throw your arms around the world" for miera_c
Samantha Carter and Vala Mal Doran: "This is going to be so much fun!" for lanna_kitty
Jack O'Neill and Elizabeth Weir: "They shouldn't be doing this." for vickysg1
Jack O'Neill and Vala Mal Doran: "We fall from grace, we fall with such grace" for hariboo_smirks
Daniel Jackson and Teyla Emmagan for sache8 SPOILERS for SGA Season 4 plots
John Sheppard and Zoe Carter: Fast-forward ten years for Zoe for sache8
Nathan Stark and Vala Mal Doran: "So how much would a brain like yours go for on the black market?" for world_of_blade
Elizabeth Weir and Morgan le Fey "And by descent from Royall lynage came
Of ancient Kings and Queenes,"
for havocthecat
Freya McAlistor and John Sheppard: "Paint a portrait of my mystery/Only close my eyes and you are here with me" for jazmin22
Freya McAlistor and Ronon Dex: "Welcome to Atlantis." for jazmin22
Evan Lorne and Vala Mal Doran: "Show me a character whose life arouses my curiosity, and my flesh begins crawling with suspense." for rory-elizabeth

fanfiction: sga, character: sg-1, character: sga: john sheppard, !fanfiction: master list, character: sga: kate heightmeyer, character: eureka, fanfiction: requests, fanfiction: sg-1, fanfiction: eureka

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