Fic: Trouble

Apr 29, 2007 18:34

Title: Trouble
Author: angelqueen04
Summary: She’s tied him to her bed, he’s naked, has a raging hard-on, and she’s barely laid a hand on him.
Type/Pairings: Evan Lorne/Elizabeth Weir
Main Characters: Evan Lorne, Elizabeth Weir
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Explicit sex
Spoilers: A little for Season 3 in general, nothing all that specific.
Beta: havocthecat
Disclaimer: I do not ( Read more... )

fanfiction: sga, ship: sga: weir/lorne, character: sga: evan lorne, !fanfiction: master list

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racethewind10 April 29 2007, 23:09:43 UTC
*fans self* whew that I am very quickly becoming a fan of this pairing, and of course, your writing is amazing.

*goes off in search of a cold shower*


trialia April 29 2007, 23:17:17 UTC
Oh, no kidding on that one. *squishes angelqueen04*

*grins wickedly and diverts you between LJ and cold shower by pimping something she read this afternoon with which to continue*

Are you sure you want a cold shower? *g*


racethewind10 April 29 2007, 23:22:08 UTC
*looks at teh pairing and forgets the cold shower*

You evil evil woman ... I could so kiss you. *runs off to read*


trialia April 29 2007, 23:28:03 UTC
*giggles* Now now, don't tease the gal who hasn't gotten any in more than a year. =P

And enjoy the fic. *g*


racethewind10 April 29 2007, 23:37:41 UTC
*snorts* honey, welcome to the club (ok, still less than a year, but only by like a month or so)

And i could have done without the foot fetish lol, so not my thing. I like liz/sam though.

(and im so bored, Im writing fic! lol but I dont recomend you read it, if H/C is your OTP *sighs* have you been on the CSI Wiki pages yet? Shannyfish and I have been defending teh Honor of Horatio/Calleigh to anyone who will listen and its gotten a fair amount of support. You should go adn post (and check out Shannyfish's excellent DuCaine page, she did a good job, and I helped write some of it)


trialia April 29 2007, 23:41:19 UTC
Heh! 16 months, here. :-P

Eh, the foot fetish wouldn't normally be my thing either, but I think Geonn did it pretty well in that one. I still can't get over the fact that he's a guy yet he writes such wonderful femmeslash. *grin* It's so rare to find a man who can write two women together and do it so incredibly well.

Haha. Lemme guess, Natalia/Calleigh again? ;-) And nope, I haven't... TBH I don't have the energy after recent events to get involved in more intense fandom things than fic, really, and I'm unspoiled for anything past the mid-point of season three for Miami, so.. yeah. Good luck though! And damn! I still need to make me some Miami icons! I only have this one and it really needs brightening.


racethewind10 April 29 2007, 23:54:37 UTC
He's a guy! wow. didnt know that. And yeah, I'm going to special hell for my fic, i just can't seem to get those two out of my head.

I also can't help wanting to yell at TPTB about Horatio and Calleigh, they would just be so beautiful together. I've basically given up on SGA and SG! is over, so all my fandom energy is now directed at CSI (and honestly even thats waning a bit) I think im mostly going to stick to fic, but Ill get on the official site and cheer for H/C for a while, who knows *shrug* it makes me feel better anyway. (kind of like voting in a presidential election over here, it doesnt actually DO anything, but it placates the masses)


trialia April 29 2007, 23:58:17 UTC
Neither did I 'til this afternoon! He took it as a compliment, though. ^_^;

Eh, the special hell's not so bad. Come play with us! *grins and sneaks RPF past the guards*

Ohhhh, I so agree with you on that one. They've been my Miami OTP practically since the show started, because not only are they so pretty together, but, the sparks! ^_^ Kill Zone was so awesome in its level of shippy for those two. *grin* And hey, did you join the fanlisting yet? *pokies gently* Not far to go 'til it hits 200! =D


racethewind10 April 30 2007, 00:03:08 UTC
oh I know, i ADORED kill zone. *sighs* they just had such wonderful potential, and the producers were GOING to acknowledge it, in an episode called "Officer Down" where Calleigh gets shot (really shot) and Horatio has to come to terms with how much she means to him, and they fucked it over!!! and no, i will go join teh listing now!


trialia April 30 2007, 00:08:14 UTC
Ohhh, I know! God, I was so mad when that happened. But at least we have good!fic to make up for it in part.


racethewind10 April 30 2007, 00:16:31 UTC
*sniffs* I know, *raises a glass to Marianne* Alas, its just NOT THE SAME.

whew, ok, im ok, really, i swear...


trialia April 30 2007, 00:17:59 UTC
*starts to giggle* Get out of my brain! *is re-reading Rescue Operation right now* =P Marianne is awesome, truly. Damn shame she stopped writing H/C.



racethewind10 April 30 2007, 00:21:41 UTC
*huggles back* omg i know!! I SOO wish she would write some more, She could do something with Going Under, or Under Suspicion (Marisol who?)
LOl and i just read that yesterday!! OMG and I love Mirror Images too, oh hell, i just love ALL her fic. *g*


angelqueen04 April 29 2007, 23:54:11 UTC
*grins* Thank you! :D


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