Pairings meme

Mar 10, 2007 12:04

Snagged from vickysg1. :)

1. List all your fandoms.
2. Have your friends list guess your favourite 3 pairings from each fandom.
3. When someone guesses right, write it in and give the name of the person that first got it right.
4. See this? Post it in your own LiveJournal (if you want, of course)

I might not have exactly three in each fandom, sometimes more and sometimes less.

Stargate Atlantis
1. John/Elizabeth (peanutbutterer)
2. Rodney/Teyla (reyclou)
3. Ronon/Elizabeth (peanutbutterer)

Honorable Mention: Lorne/Heightmeyer (miera_c)

Stargate SG-1
1. Daniel/Vala (peanutbutterer)
2. Sam/Jack (reyclou)

1. Jack/Elizabeth (peanutbutterer)
2. Sam/Rodney (reyclou)

Star Trek Voyager
1. Janeway/Chakotay (the_alianne)
2. Tom/B'Elanna (the_alianne)
3. Doc/Seven (the_alianne)

Law and Order SVU
1. Olivia/Elliot (reyclou)

CSI: Las Vegas
1. Sara/Grissom (vickysg1)

Babylon 5
1. John/Delenn (the_alianne)
2. Marcus/Ivanova (the_alianne)
3. Lyta Alexander/Zack Allan (me)

tv: sg-1, media: other fandoms, tv: sga, lj: memes, tv: l&o: all series

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