everyday I learn.

Jul 16, 2007 21:24

I have had this journal for 7 years.
There have been a lot of scrapes, tumbles, adventures, highlights, awards, and trials, just in those short 7 years, and of course my whole life too.

Parts of me has stayed the same, and parts of me has grown wiser.

The parts that have remained, the constant, is my heart.

That heart of mine gets me into so much trouble. It makes me drain myself, it makes me give all of myself, it makes my brain shut down... ha haa.

I have been known to overwhelm people with my niceness.

With MUCH irony... I get overwhelmed when folks are nice to me.

I am getting better about BOTH.

Ok, I have reeled in a LITTLE on giving out my niceness too much.

I have gotten better at accepting niceness. For the longest time, until recently, I never thought I was worthy of kindness, I thought it was my place to only give, not to receive, because I was not worth it.

Well, dog gone it, I am worth kindness. YEAH.
Ok, I will be honest, it still scares me at times. But I am working on that, too.

strength, fairy wisdom

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