Nov 30, 2004 18:30
I'm taking a "break" from writing my paper. Well, I haven't actually started writing it yet... I have 2 sentences down. But I've highlighted all the important stuff... and I know what i WANT to write about... I just can't seem to fomulate my thoughts................. I haven't been able to form many coherant thoughts lately. ... I feel lost and... unwillful...? if that makes sense... like I don't have any ambitions any more. any purpose, And this paper is the least of my problems. I've been pissing people off left and right lately. My parents are so dissapointed, and ............................................................................... I don't know, it's kinda like I'm on the outside looking in on my seemingly meaningless existence. I'm not sure what i'm living for anymore. I'm not sure what I thought I was living for before i realized I didn't know what it was I was living for.....?...?...?... whatev................
more later.