Jan 12, 2004 00:25
Sometimes I want to throw. my head back and scream. Scream until my spit turns to blood.
Terri's dead. Very dead. This makes me to that hardcore bloody scream. I want to scream until I black out.
I'll try my best not to wake you. And i think about the last time I saw her and it makes me cry. Why is it so easy to think about the bad shit that happens in a lifetimes?
But its like, this is like one of thse thing that actually matters in the course of a lifetime. One of the things worth worrying about.
Heaven is for the living, not for the dead. No one wants to think about their child as a past tense ball of energy thats met its end. Its beautifully drugging to imagine said child as something happy and gorgeous. Anything but rotting.
And I still find no closure.
A word to the wise: Have the balls to die with no strings attached.