Jan 08, 2006 19:21
Okay, so far 2006 is making me feel very very old. I seem to have an unshakable cold that is attacking my brain. It is unfortunate. Also I am having that age old "All work no play makes Dizzy a dull girl" mantra going on. I've had too much "stuff" to do. So to all of you who did something, anything fun this weekend, "fuck ya". i know, not very nice. pbth! But that's what you get for having fun! pbth! pbth!! The most fun I've had lately is playing with a leaf blower and that prolly would have been really fun if an actual task had not been involved. Bah!! As it seems all I have in me right now is bitching, so just move along. Nothing to see except the angry mal-content. Just go. Pbth!!.... fuckers....