Sep 05, 2005 00:27
So I went to fill up my car.... I did, without a hitch. I did however have to fill up with V-Power because that is all they had. The prospect of not being able to drive makes one put things into prospective. Am I worried about no gas? No. Am I so well off that I don't have to worry about such mundane things? No. I'm just not worried. Do I think everything will work out eventually? Yes. I don't think that our entire economy will collapse due to a hurricane. It might get a bit "uncomfortable" in a "I am inconvienced that my yuppie lifestyle is being interupted" kind of way. Are people losing there minds a bit over this? Hell yeah, of course they are. But that's what happens. You take things for granted. You don't notice a thing until you can't have it anymore. The lesson: Don't take things for granted. Notice everything you have and appreciate it. It can all be gone tomorrow. Gas, car, house, family, love, life.... there are no gaurentees. Everything can be taken away in the blink of an eye. You could die in your sleep. So appreciate everything you have. Live every day to it's fullest. Love with everything you have. LOL... See what happens when I do something simple like go to the gas station. I get all thoughtful and spout out silly shit for you to ridicule me with. ;) But that's fine, I'll appreciate that too. Ciao!