(no subject)

Jun 19, 2004 01:34

Tomorrow I'm taking a trip to the baseball card shop and hopefully I'll be able to find out where it is. I am anxious for the 30th to come. Actually, I'm looking forward to that 3-day period. I'm finally off tomorrow and I'm going to celebrate by eating at Sicily's! Daniel called me tonight and asked me if I wanted to do stuff with him and his friends tonight, but I had to work and he was in Mobile. That stinks. Man, this school year will be so great, I believe. I have some pretty good friends in Mobile now. I just remembered the main reason I wanted to post. I talked to Blake today and he might not be going to Iraq in August and he might be going to USA again in the fall. That is great news! He is definitely one of the best friends I have had this past year... and I don't want any more friends in Iraq again, that's for sure.

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