yanked from soshesays

Nov 18, 2006 08:01

Pick 10 names from your friends list. Do NOT use that person's name, but write a brief sentence/comment/question for them that you would probably never be able to say to their face. If a person asks whether a certain description is about them or not, do not confess no matter what.

1. There isn't much that I can say about you without you knowing I'm talking about you. You are the most incredible person, inside and out, that I have ever had pleasure of knowing. I can't imagine my life without you in it, and quite frankly, don't want to! I have a love for you that extends way beyond friendship...you are FAMILY!

2. Since the first moment I laid eyes on your journal, I have been captivated. You have a way with words that inspires me and always has. I continue to hold onto the hope that we will get to meet someday.

3. You too have inspired me since the moment I began reading your journal, but in a different way. You have inspired me to want to be a better person. You are an encouragement, an inspiration, and a blessing, even though you are a complete stranger!

4. There is something about you that makes me feel like I need to be in constant competition with you. You are stubborn and strong-willed and while sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes it is incredibly annoying. You act like you see things from all sides and you never truly do. But our differences are what makes us such good friends. When it comes to a lot of things, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

5. I envy some of the things you have in life. (Not in a bad "you suck" kind of a way, though, don't get me wrong!) But I don't, by any means, feel that you've had it all sunshine and rainbows, either. It's just one of those things. You are witty, intelligent, caring and a great person! I wouldn't trade knowing you for the world!

6. I think you've sold yourself short and I don't think anyone has the balls to tell you that. You have a lot of love in your heart and you are very strong-willed, but I honestly feel you are focusing your energy in the wrong direction. I begrudingly gave up on you a long time ago.

7. I think it's incredible that you march to the beat of your own drum and don't give a flip about what others think. Please, don't EVER change!!

8. I've always found you to be a very interesting person, but almost like one of the "cool kids" that I could never hang out with in High School because I wasn't cool enough. I think we have more in common than we realize and I wish we talked more often than just the occasional random LJ comment.

9. You have so much wisdom and are one of the most caring people I have ever not met. :) You have always been honest with me, even when the truth hasn't always been something I've wanted to hear, and I am very appreciative of that. I think you are an incredible person!

10. Your artistic talent, and pretty much everything else about you, astounds me. It always has. If I ever find myself in your neck of the woods, I'll have to look you up so we can go party. I know we'd have a great time!

Hey, that was fun. :)


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