I love Duckies!

Dec 05, 2004 13:57

Aww Duckie i looove yooou.
So in response to ur comment, i actually had not gotten to read ur post when i wrote mine, i read sum of it tho!
I didn't write all that to criticize ppl who get an abortion themselves. Screwy huh? Read what i wrote and you'll realize that whole tirade was dedicated to the pro-choice supporters themselves.

Ok maybe i should explain what happened yesterday:
I went to Church and at the entrance there was this poster that said: "WANTED: For malpractice of religion" and then it showed a bunch of pictures of politicians. At the bottom it said: "You can not be pro life and a Catholic"
And i wanted to rip it down and stomp on it.
Bcuz i find it incredulous that a Church which preaches forgiveness could be so freakin judemental.
I get really annoyed with my current church.
I love the Catholic faith, but i just dislike my current church.
Bcuz what i wanted to scream was: "Where were all these posters when priests were abusing little boys in churches?" or "Where were all the Christian posters when an entire 'Christian' sect poissoned themselves bcuz sum pastor told them the world was ending?"
(I'd get into the discussion of organized religion vs. the influence of one person but thats not relevant right now.)
So i was really annoyed and kept thinking: "Why the heck do they feel like they have to target pro-choice ppl?"

And i came to this conclusion:
Pro Choice ppl are not advocating their believes properly. Theyre using the whole "Women's rights" stuff and i thought it about time to show them "Well here's what you're actually advocating..."

My mom is pro-choice.
Bet none of you saw THAT one coming.
Anyways, we spent an entire dinner cleanup arguing choice vs. life, until i honestly did see her opinion.
There are 14 year old girls being raped that honestly did not have the strength to tell ne1 what happened to them. they feel like theres no alternative, so they do what they think has to be done.
Does ne1 have ne idea how hard that has to be? It psychologically screws up so many girls.
But they do it bcuz they feel there IS no alternative. Not that they see anyway.
If women's rights really wanna do sumthing, theyll dedicate more time to helping these girls LEARN what happens to their bodies when abortions happen, and give counseling so that they dont feel like theyre going to hell.
You're right Duckie, there IS a lack of education.
There is ALWAYS an alternative.

Then you have families who are so poor they dont want their children to suffer a life of hunger that will eventually kill them. Me, i believe everyone should be given a chance. But my mom grew up in Peru and saw how many children suffered and died from natural causes. She saw all these kids get put into foster systems where no one ever loved them and they were abused until they had nothing left. What life is that?
Here poverty isnt as much an issue, but there are so many ppl here who want children and cant have them. Any hospital can be arrived at and delivered at. Drop off the baby and they'll try to find em a home.

So do i see why ppl get abortions? Yes, i really do. I kno i did sound closed minded b4 my Duckie, i wasnt trying to be. i was annoyed at the way Religion would condemn any 14 yr old girl who feels like killing herself bcuz of sumthing she couldnt help and found no other alternative to.
I'm annoyed at a bunch of women who swear they have women's best intrests at heart when in reality they cant see past abortion itself and not what they can do to help other women.

Yeah i am pro life. So I'll nvr agree with abortion. I just can't. Neither can i advocate it; i can just understand why it happens.
I agree with Duckie McQuack. I think we should be better educated and better informed so that we dont HAVE these desperate decisions that end up tormenting ppl's lives.
In order to make a choice as hard as abortion, we need to understand what we are doing. That goes for women that weren't raped too. Irresponsibility should not be covered up for. It isn't much of a choice you know. It's a LACK of choice.
Duckie's right. Making it illegal will just lead to hanger and coke-top abortions where women are so desperate that they'll do anything. But maybe with a lil more education, no woman will feel that desperate feeling nemore. And the women that do choose abortion? Did it bcuz they knew this was their actual choice.
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