Title: Boats Against the Current (sequel to
Later in the Ashes) Chapter One
Author: Gabrielle
Pairing: Willow/Angel, Willow/Spike friendship
Rating: FRAO/NC-17 (this chapter PG-13/FRT-13)
Summary: Angel and Willow's alone time is interrupted by visions. (I have switched POV's for this sequel. Now we are getting Angel's POV.)
Word Count: 4061 words
The Blue Pencil Crew:
lilbreck and
shannon730 Feedback: Please.
Distribution: If you have permission to archive my previous works, you may have this. Otherwise, please ask first.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.
Boats Against the Current (Chapter One)